Quantum Mechanics with Basic Field Theory

Quantum Mechanics with Basic Field Theory

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Bipin R. Desai
Cambridge University Press, 12/3/2009
EAN 9780521877602, ISBN10: 0521877601

Hardcover, 858 pages, 24.8 x 19.7 x 3.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Students and instructors alike will find this organized and detailed approach to quantum mechanics ideal for a two-semester graduate course on the subject. This textbook covers, step-by-step, important topics in quantum mechanics, from traditional subjects like bound states, perturbation theory and scattering, to more current topics such as coherent states, quantum Hall effect, spontaneous symmetry breaking, superconductivity, and basic quantum electrodynamics with radiative corrections. The large number of diverse topics are covered in concise, highly focused chapters, and are explained in simple but mathematically rigorous ways. Derivations of results and formulae are carried out from beginning to end, without leaving students to complete them. With over 200 exercises to aid understanding of the subject, this textbook provides a thorough grounding for students planning to enter research in physics. Several exercises are solved in the text, and password-protected solutions for remaining exercises are available to instructors at www.cambridge.org/9780521877602.

1. Basic formalism
2. Fundamental commutator and time evolution of state vectors and operators
3. Dynamical equations
4. Free particles
5. Particles with spin 1/2
6. Gauge invariance, angular momentum and spin
7. Stern-Gerlach experiments
8. Some exactly solvable bound state problems
9. Harmonic oscillator
10. Coherent states
11. Two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator
12. Landau levels and quantum Hall effect
13. Two-level problems
14. Spin 1/2 systems in the presence of magnetic field
15. Oscillation and regeneration in neutrino and neutral K-mesons as two-level systems
16. Time-independent perturbation for bound states
17. Time-dependent perturbation
18. Interaction of charged particles and radiation in perturbation theory
19. Scattering in one dimension
20. Scattering in three dimensions - a formal theory
21. Partial wave amplitudes and phase shifts
22. Analytic structure of the S-matrix
23. Poles of the Green's function and composite systems
24. Approximation methods for bound states and scattering
25. Lagrangian method and Feynman path integrals
26. Rotations and angular momentum
27. Symmetry in quantum mechanics and symmetry groups
28. Addition of angular momenta
29. Irreducible tensors and Wigner-Eckart theorem
30. Entangled states
31. Special theory of relativity
Klein Gordon and Maxwell's equation
32. Klein Gordon and Maxwell's equation
33. Dirac equation
34. Dirac equation in the presence of spherically symmetric potentials
35. Dirac equation in a relativistically invariant form
36. Interaction of Dirac particle with electromagnetic field
37. Multiparticle systems and second quantization
38. Interactions of electrons and phonons in condensed matter
39. Superconductivity
40. Bose Einstein condensation and superfluidity
41. Lagrangian formulation of classical fields
42. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
43. Basic quantum electrodynamics and Feynman diagrams
44. Radiative corrections
45. Anomalous magnetic moment and Lamb shift

'Quantum Mechanics with Basic Field Theory is an innovative textbook for a two semester graduate course that provides an excellent coverage of the fundamentals interspersed with their relevance to striking modern discoveries. As an expert quantum theorist, Desai has succeeded in providing a student-friendly exposition that is enhanced by exciting topics such as superconductivity, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and neutrino oscillations.' Vernon Barger, University of Wisconsin

'As a professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, I found this book amazingly easy and refreshing to read and understand … I believe today's students and teachers will benefit from studying the systematic and well-designed approach in this comprehensive text of quantum mechanics with basic field theory. The diverse subjects are illustrated in a simple but elegant way throughout this book. It is an ideal textbook to learn basic and advanced topics in quantum mechanics. I strongly recommend this book to graduate students and researchers interested in basic and applied research in physics including radiation in coherent and non-coherent states, high energy particles, quantum Hall effects, super conductivity, quantum electrodynamics, and nano-photonics and optoelectronics.' Gee-Kung Chang, Georgia Institute of Technology