Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal 1985

Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal 1985

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R Simon
Cambridge University Press, 4/13/2009
EAN 9780521115209, ISBN10: 0521115205

Paperback, 752 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 4.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The European Community's research programme 'Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste' has the prime objective of finding effective means for ensuring the safety of man and his environment against the potential hazards arising from such wastes. In 1980, the Commission of the European Communities held its first major meeting on the subject, and published the proceedings, discussions and results. This volume presents the proceedings of the second such conference, following the completion of a research and development programme in the five intervening years. The main topics discussed are: treatment and conditioning technology, testing and evaluation of waste forms and packages, geologic disposal, migration, and performance analysis of geologic isolation systems; representing an analysis of the latest results achieved by sustained collaboration of leading laboratories in Europe. Thus, all of the contributions are of a high standard from the major exponents in the field throughout the European Community.

Part I. Opening Session
1. Welcoming address
2. Opening address
3. The development of nuclear power and the research effort in the Community
4. Waste disposal in Europe - looking ahead
5. The role and results of the European Community's R&D work on radioactive waste management
Part II. Treatment and Conditioning Processes, Part One
6. Chemical precipitation processes for the treatment of low and medium level liquid waste
7. Electrochemical and ion-exchange processes
8. Petra, a hot cell facility for waste management studies
9. Characterisation of spent fuel hulls in dissolution residues
10. Methods of conditioning waste fuel decladding hulls and disolver residues
11. Conditioning of alpha waste
Part III. Treatment and Conditioning Processes, Part Two
12. Plutonium recovery from ∝ - wastes
13. Alpha monitoring of solid waste
14. Management of nuclear airborne wastes and tritium retention
15. Capture and immobilisation of krypton-85
Panel Session
Treatment and conditioning options for low and intermediate level waste
Part IV. Characterisation of Waste Forms
16. Mechanisms of leaching and corrosions of vitrified radioactive waste forms
17. Behaviour of vitrified radioactive waste under simulated repository conditions
18. Radiation thermal and mechanical effects in HLW glass
19. Behaviour of intermediate-level waste forms in an aqueous environment
19. Radiation, thermal and mechanical effects on low and medium active conditioned waste
20. The challenge of quality assurance
Part V. Multi-Barrier Systems
21. HLW container corrosion and design
22. The MIRAGE project
actnide and fission product physiochemical behaviour in geological environment
23. The MIRAGE project
large scale radionuclide transport investigations and integral migration experiments
24. The geoforecasting approach and long-term prediction of evolutive nuclide migration
25. Technology for the improvement of shallow land burial
26. Shallow land burial analysis
Part VI. Disposal in Salt and Clay Formations
27. In situ-investigations related to salt rock behaviour
28. Modelling of the thermomechanical behaviour of salt rock
29. Research programmes in underground experimental facilities
30. Characterisation and behaviour of argillaceous rocks
31. Natural evolution of clay formations
Part VII. Disposal in Granite and into the Seabed
32. Introduction by the session chairman
33. A study of the characteristics of very deep granite
test in underground laboratories and using boreholes
34. Associated R&D
radionuclide movement through and mechanical properties of fractured rock
35. Backfilling and sealing of repositories and access shafts and galleries in clay, granite and salt formations
36. The feasibility of heat generating waste disposal into deep ocean sedimentary formations
37. Costs and ways of financing of the geological disposal of radioactive waste
Panel Sessions
Disposal of HLW - Ready for Implementation
Part VIII. Modelling and Performance Analysis
38. PAGIS, common European methodology for repository performance analysis
39. Long-term risk assessment of geological disposal
methodology and computer codes
40. Modelling of radionuclide release and migration
41. Application of the PAGIS methodology to clay, salt, granite and sub-seabed repositories
Concluding Panel
List of participants
Index of authors.