Reception and the Classics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Classical Tradition (Yale Classical Studies)

Reception and the Classics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Classical Tradition (Yale Classical Studies)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reprint, 9/1/2016
EAN 9781316620779, ISBN10: 1316620778

Paperback, 200 pages, 22.8 x 15.1 x 1.1 cm
Language: English

This collection brings together leading experts in a number of fields of the humanities to offer a new perspective on the classical tradition. Drawing on reception studies, philology and early modern studies, the essays explore the interaction between literary criticism and the multiple cultural contexts in which texts were produced, discovered, appropriated and translated. The intersection of Realpolitik and textual criticism, poetic and musical aesthetics, and authority and self-fashioning all come under scrutiny. The canonical Latin writers and their subsequent reception form the backbone of the volume, with a focus on the European Renaissance. It thus marks a reconnection between classical and early modern studies and the concomitant rapprochement of philological and cultural historical approaches to texts and other works of art. This book will be of interest to scholars in classics, Renaissance studies, comparative literature, English, Italian and art history.

1. Introduction William Brockliss, Pramit Chaudhuri, Ayelet Haimson Lushkov and Katherine Wasdin
Part I. Reception between Transmission and Philology
2. 'Arouse the dead'
Mai, Leopardi, and Cicero's commonwealth in Restoration Italy James Zetzel
3. Honor culture, praise, and Servius' Aeneid Robert Kaster
4. Joyce and modernist Latinity Joseph Farrell
5. Lyricus vates
musical settings of Horace's Odes Richard Tarrant
Part II. Reception as Self-Fashioning
6. Petrarch's epistolary epic
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum familiarium libri) Giuseppe Mazzotta
7. The first British Aeneid
a case study in reception Emily Wilson
8. Ovid's witchcraft Gordon Braden
9. The streets of Rome
the classical Dylan Richard F. Thomas
Part III. Envoi
10. Reception and the classics Christopher S. Wood