Religion in the Military Worldwide

Religion in the Military Worldwide

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Cambridge University Press, 12/31/2013
EAN 9781107037021, ISBN10: 1107037026

Hardcover, 254 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2 cm
Language: English

How does religion affect the lives of professional soldiers? How does religion shape militaries, their organization, procedures, and performance? This volume is the first to address these questions by comparing religious symbols and practices in nine countries: Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Israel, Iran, India, the United States, and Turkey. The contributors explore how and why soldiers pray, the role of religious rituals prior to battle, the functions that chaplains perform, the effects of religion on recruitment and unit formation, and how militaries grapple with ensuing constitutional dilemmas.

1. Religion in the military
challenges and opportunities Ron E. Hassner
Part I. Rituals, Beliefs, and Practices
2. Japan Aaron Skabelund and Akito Ishikawa
3. Canada Joanne Benham Rennick
4. United Kingdom Victor Dobbin and Stephen Deakin
Part II. Religious Demographics in the Armed Forces
5. Pakistan C. Christine Fair
6. Israel Stuart A. Cohen
Part III. Religion and Military Operations
7. Iran Mahsa Rouhi
8. India Amit Ahuja
Part IV. Constitutional Challenges
9. United States Martin L. Cook
10. United States Pauletta Otis
11. Turkey Ayşegül Komsuoğlu and Gül Kurtoğlu Eşkisar
12. Promising themes, future approaches Eric Patterson.