Rumour and Renown: Representations of Fama in Western Literature (Cambridge Classical Studies)

Rumour and Renown: Representations of Fama in Western Literature (Cambridge Classical Studies)

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Philip Hardie
Cambridge University Press, 2012-02-02
EAN 9780521620888, ISBN10: 0521620880

Hardcover, 706 pages, 25 x 24.7 x 18 cm

'… [a] magnum opus, a magisterial work of learning that aims to offer a comprehensive picture of the ever-changing Fama, the personified Rumor, from its Greek origins through Virgil, Ovid, and beyond … Without exaggeration, this is a must-read book, and what I hope to offer here is but a glimpse of its rich, stimulating, and highly rewarding contents … Beyond doubt, this volume is the result of many years of research; the production is handsome and flawless. It has already taken a special place on my bookshelf, and as I am sure, on the shelves of many readers and students of Latin literature and its reception.' Antony Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review