Science from Fisher Information: A Unification

Science from Fisher Information: A Unification

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B. Roy Frieden
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Revised edition, 6/10/2004
EAN 9780521810791, ISBN10: 0521810795

Hardcover, 504 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

This book develops and applies an analytical approach to deriving the probability laws of science in general. It is called 'extreme physical information' or EPI. EPI is an expression of the imperfection of observation: Owing to random interaction of a subject with its observer and other possible disturbances, its measurement contains less Fisher information than does the subject per se. Moreover, the information loss is an extreme value. An EPI output may alternatively be viewed as the payoff of a zero-sum game of information acquisition between the observer and a 'demon' in subject space. EPI derives, Escher-like, the very probability law that gave rise to the measurement. In applications, EPI is used to derive both existing and new analytical relations governing probability laws of physics, genetics, cancer growth, ecology and economics. This unified approach will be fascinating to students and those who seek a new mathematical tool of research.

1. What is Fisher information?
2. Fisher information in a vector world
3. Extreme physical information
4. Derivation of relativistic quantum mechanics
5. Classical electrodynamics
6. The Einstein field equation of general relativity
7. Classical statistical physics
8. Power spectral 1/f noise
9. Physical constants and the 1/x probability law
10. Constrained-likelihood quantum measurement theory
11. Research topics
12. EPI and entangled realities
the EPR-Bohm experiment
13. Econophysics
14. Growth and transport processes
15. Cancer growth.