Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Condensed Matter
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/27/2015
EAN 9781107039407, ISBN10: 1107039401
Hardcover, 544 pages, 25.4 x 19.8 x 2.8 cm
Language: English
This innovative and modular textbook combines classical topics in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and many-body theory with the latest developments in condensed matter physics research. Written by internationally renowned experts and logically structured to cater for undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers, it covers the underlying theoretical principles and includes numerous problems and worked examples to put this knowledge into practice. Three main streams provide a framework for the book; beginning with thermodynamics and classical statistical mechanics, including mean field approximation, fluctuations and the renormalization group approach to critical phenomena. The authors then examine quantum statistical mechanics, covering key topics such as normal Fermi and Luttinger liquids, superfluidity and superconductivity. Finally, they explore classical and quantum kinetics, Anderson localization and quantum interference, and disordered Fermi liquids. Unique in providing a bridge between thermodynamics and advanced topics in condensed matter, this textbook is an invaluable resource to all students of physics.
1. Thermodynamics
a brief overview
2. Kinetics
3. From Boltzmann to Gibbs
4. More ensembles
5. The thermodynamic limit and its thermodynamic stability
6. Density matrix and quantum statistical mechanics
7. The quantum gases
8. Mean-field theories and critical phenomena
9. Second quantization and Hartree–Fock approximation
10. Linear response and fluctuation-dissipation theorem in quantum systems
equilibrium and small deviations
11. Brownian motion and transport in disordered systems
12. Fermi liquids
13. The Landau theory of the second order phase transitions
14. The Landau-Wilson model for critical phenomena
15. Superfluidity and superconductivity
16. The scaling theory
17. The renormalization group approach
18. Thermal Green functions
19. The microscopic foundations of Fermi liquids
20. The Luttinger liquid
21. Quantum interference effects in disordered electron systems
Appendix A. The central limit theorem
Appendix B. Some useful properties of the Euler Gamma function
Appendix C. Proof of the second theorem of Yang and Lee
Appendix D. The most probable distribution for the quantum gases
Appendix E. Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein integrals
Appendix F. The Fermi gas in a uniform magnetic field
Landau diamagnetism
Appendix G. Ising and gas-lattice models
Appendix H. Sum over discrete Matsubara frequencies
Appendix I. Hydrodynamics of the two-fluid model of superfluidity
Appendix J. The Cooper problem in the theory of superconductivity
Appendix K. Superconductive fluctuations phenomena
Appendix L. Diagrammatic aspects of the exact solution of the Tomonaga Luttinger model
Appendix M. Details on the theory of the disordered Fermi liquid
Author index