Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources

Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources

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Gerry Johnson
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/2/2007
EAN 9780521681568, ISBN10: 0521681561

Paperback, 260 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 1.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Research in strategy has shifted significantly towards strategy as something organizations have, rather than strategy as something that managers do. The activities of the people who actually manage and develop organizational strategy have become marginalized. Strategy as Practice argues the reverse: that research on strategy needs to take seriously what strategists do and the effects of what they do. Written by a distinguished team of researchers and educators, this book sets out a research agenda, provides guidelines on theoretical perspectives and alternative methodologies for research on practice as well as commentaries on published illustrative papers that exemplify the practice perspective. Strategy as Practice will be essential reading for doctoral students, researchers and academics who wish to understand or undertake research in this important field of management research.

Part I
1. Introducing the Strategy as Practice Perspective
2. Practical theories
3. Doing research on doing strategy
Part II. Introduction to the Papers
4. Technology as an occasion for structuring
evidence from observations of CT scanners and the social order of radiology departments Stephen R. Barley
5. Making fast strategic decisions in high-velocity environments Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
6. In search of rationality
the purposes behind the use of formal analysis in organizations Ann Langley
7. Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation Dennis A. Gioia and Kumar Chittipeddi
8. Business planning as pedagogy
language and control in a changing institutional field Leslie S. Oakes, Barbara Townley and David J. Cooper
9. Strategizing as lived experience and strategists' everyday efforts to shape strategic direction Dalvir Samra-Fredericks
10. Organizational restructuring and middle manager sensemaking Julia Balogun and Gerry Johnson
11. From metaphor to practice in the crafting of strategy Peter T. Bürgi, Claus D. Jacobs and Johan Roos
Part III
12. Reflections