Successful Science Communication: Telling It Like It Is
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/29/2011
EAN 9781107003323, ISBN10: 1107003326
Hardcover, 492 pages, 23.6 x 15.7 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
In the 25 years since the 'Bodmer Report' kick-started the public understanding of science movement, there has been something of a revolution in science communication. However, despite the ever-growing demands of the public, policy-makers and the media, many scientists still find it difficult to successfully explain and publicise their activities or to understand and respond to people's hopes and concerns about their work. Bringing together experienced and successful science communicators from across the academic, commercial and media worlds, this practical guide fills this gap to provide a one-stop resource covering science communication in its many different forms. The chapters provide vital background knowledge and inspiring ideas for how to deal with different situations and interest groups. Entertaining personal accounts of projects ranging from podcasts, to science festivals, to student-run societies give working examples of how scientists can engage with their audiences and demonstrate the key ingredients in successful science communication.
Authors' biographies
Foreword Sir Walter Bodmer
public engagement in an evolving science policy landscape Richard A. L. Jones
Part I. What it Helps to Know Beforehand
1. Deficits and dialogues
science communication and the public understanding of science in the UK Simon J. Lock
2. Explaining the world
communicating science through the ages James Hannam
3. Science, truth, and ethics Richard Jennings
4. The public's view of science George Gaskell, Sally Stares and Nicole Kronberger
5. The common language of research Tracey Brown
6. Not 100% sure? The 'public' understanding of risk John Adams
7. The ethos of science vs. ethics of science communication Alfred Nordmann
Part II. Policy Makers, the Media and Public Interest Organisations
8. Research and public communication in EU policy and practice Michel Claessens
9. Tackling the Climate Communication Challenge Andrew C. Revkin
10. Dealings with the media Stephen White
11. Dealings with the US media Chris Mooney
12. Relations with public interest organisations
consumers Sue Davies MBE
13. Relations with public interest organisations
patients and families Alastair Kent
14. Relations with environmental organisations
a very personal story Piet Schenkelaars
Part III. What You Can Do and How To Do It
15. Building relations with the various groups David J. Bennett
16. Finding the right words
how to shine in radio and television interviews Peter Evans
17. Nanotechnology and the media - front page or no story? Richard Hayhurst
18. The power of the podcast
the Naked Scientists' story Chris Smith
19. The social web in science communication Hayley Birch
20. Dealing with dilemmas and societal expectations
a company's response Lise Kingo and Susanne Stormer
21. Science festivals Nicola Buckley and Sue Hordijenko
22. Things to see and do
how scientific images work Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard
23. The triple helix
the undergraduate student-run face of science communication James Shepherd
24. Public understanding of research
the Open Research Laboratory at the Deutsches Museum Paul Hix and Wolfgang M. Heckl
25. 'Imagine'
a communication project putting life sciences in the spotlight Patricia Osseweijer and Tanja Klop
Part IV. And Finally, Evaluating and Embedding Science Communication
26. Evaluating success
how to find out what worked (and what didn't) Laura Grant
27. Effectively embedding corporate science communication in academia
a second paradigm shift? Maarten C. A. van der Sanden and Patricia Osseweijer