Technology and Psychological Well-being
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/10/2009
EAN 9780521885812, ISBN10: 0521885817
Hardcover, 302 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
In the modern world we are surrounded by technology. Gadgets such as cell phones, portable computers, and electronic diaries accompany us throughout the day. But is this a good thing? Are we being served by these technological wonders, or have we become enslaved by them? Does constant availability via technology make us more efficient or more stressed? Is our ability to connect with others all over the world, day or night, making us more sociable or turning us into recluses in a virtual world? This book considers the impact of technology on the different spheres of our life - work, home, family and leisure - and assesses ways in which to build better communication between technology developers and society to ensure that technology enhances our lives and psychological well-being, rather than damaging them.
1. Communication technology and psychological well-being
Yin, Yang, and the golden mean of media effects George Rodman and Katherine G. Fry
2. Internet and well-being Yair Amichai-Hamburger and Azy Barak
3. Information, innovation, and society Steven L. Goldman
4. Work-related technological change and psychological well-being Michael P. O'Driscoll, Caroline Biron, and Cary L. Cooper
5. From ergonomics to hedonomics
trends in human factors and technology Tal Oron-Gilad and Peter A. Hancock
6. 'Good teleworking'
under what conditions does teleworking enhance employees' well-being? Ellen Ernst Kossek, Brenda A. Lautsch, and Susan C. Eaton
7. Commuting and well-being Raymond W. Novaco and Oscar I. Gonzalez
8. Technology and medicine Jeffrey W. Jutai, Sherry Coulson, and Elizabeth Russell-Minda
9. Mothers of invention? The myth-breaking history and planetary promise of women's key roles in subsistence technology Rae Lesser Blumberg
10. Technology and well-being
designing the future Yair Amichai-Hamburger.
Review of the hardback: 'Giving voice to different perspectives and practical concerns, this inspired book presents an original, wide-ranging read, spanning from remote pasts to close futures. An overview of challenges and promises of technologies is offered along with a call for a humanistic agenda culminating in shared critical capability, precious and powerful as a 'lighthouse in the darkness'.' Alberta Contarello, University of Padua, Italy