The Barbarians of Ancient Europe: Realities and Interactions
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reprint, 4/28/2014
EAN 9781107692404, ISBN10: 1107692407
Paperback, 435 pages, 25.3 x 17.7 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
The Barbarians of Ancient Europe deals with the reality of the indigenous peoples of Europe, in contrast to many publications that explore these peoples in the context of the Greek idea of 'barbarians' as the 'Other'. These varied groups - Thracians, Scythians, Celts, Germans, Etruscans, and other peoples of Italy, the Alps, and beyond - had contact with one another and with Greek culture during its flowering. Images on the spectacular gold and silver objects buried in royal tombs show how the horse-riding nomads and the barbarian women warriors known in antiquity as Amazons saw themselves. Archaeological discoveries show how they dressed, what they ate and drank, where they lived, and how they honored their dead kings with barbaric splendor and human sacrifices, allowing us to change, correct, or confirm the picture given in Greek and Roman literature.
1. Classical and barbarian Larissa Bonfante
2. Greek geography of western barbarians Paul Keyser
3. The funeral of Scythian kings
the historical reality and the description of Herodotus (4.71–72) Askold Ivantchik
4. Scythians
between mobility, tomb architecture and early urban structures Renate Rolle
5. Philomele's tongue
pictorial language of myth in ancient Thrace Ivan Marazov
6. In the fabulous Celtic twilight Barry Cunliffe
7. The ancient Germans Peter S. Wells
8. Etruscans and mediators between barbarians and classical civilization Larissa Bonfante
9. The world of situla art Otto-Herman Frey
10. A barbarian myth? The case of the talking head Nancy Thomson de Grummond
11. Romans and/as barbarians John Marincola
12. Late barbarians and wine Walter Stevenson
13. Some final thoughts Barry Cunliffe.
'This is an amazing collection of essays and an astonishing illumination of what was happening in Central Europe during the years of Greek civilization. The word 'barbarian' will never lose its detrimental quality, but at least, thanks to this volume, one is better informed as to what was really happening.' Duane W. Roller, AHB Online Reviews
'… the volume is well-planned and consistent. It will be a welcome addition to university and personal libraries. There is much dialogue between individual chapters, and in general they are well-written and clear with a large number of illustrations.' Bryn Mawr Classical Review
'This collection will prove especially useful for readers approaching these topics for the first time, while specialists too will find much of interest.' The Journal of Hellenic Studies