The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

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Pat Rogers
Cambridge University Press, 12/6/2007
EAN 9780521549448, ISBN10: 0521549442

Paperback, 278 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.6 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Alexander Pope was the greatest poet of his age and the dominant influence on eighteenth-century British poetry. His large oeuvre, written over a thirty-year period, encompasses satires, odes and political verse and reflects the sexual, moral and cultural issues of the world around him, often in brilliant lines and phrases which have become part of our language today. This is the first overview to analyse the full range of Pope's work and to set it in its historical and cultural context. Specially commissioned essays by leading scholars explore all of Pope's major works, including the sexual politics of The Rape of the Lock, the philosophical enquiries of An Essay on Man and the Moral Essays, and the mock-heroic of The Dunciad in its various forms. This volume will be indispensable not only for students and scholars of Pope's work, but also for all those interested in the Augustan age.

Introduction Pat Rogers
1. Pope, self, and world Helen Deutsch
2. Pope's friends and enemies
fighting with shadows David Nokes
3. Pope's versification and voice John Sitter
4. Poetic spaces Cynthia Wall
5. Pope's Homer and his poetic career Steven Shankman
6. Pope and the classics Howard D. Weinbrot
7. Pope and the Elizabethans David Fairer
8. Pope in Arcadia
pastoral and its dissolution Pat Rogers
9. Pope and ideology Brian Young
10. Pope and the poetry of opposition Howard Erskine-Hill
11. Crime and punishment Paul Baines
12. Landscapes and estates Malcolm Kelsall
13. Money Catherine Ingrassia
14. Pope and the book trade James McLaverty
15. Pope and gender Valerie Rumbold
16. Medicine and the body G. S. Rousseau
17. Pope and the other Laura Brown
Guide to further reading