The Cambridge Companion to American Poets (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Cambridge University Press, 10/15/2015
EAN 9781107560789, ISBN10: 1107560780
Paperback, 490 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.8 cm
Language: English
The Cambridge Companion to American Poets brings together thirty-one essays on some fifty-four American poets, spanning nearly 400 years, from Anne Bradstreet to contemporary performance poetry. This book also examines such movements in American poetry as modernism, the Harlem (or New Negro) Renaissance, 'confessional' poetry, the Black Mountain School, the New York School, the Beats, and L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry. Its reputable host of contributors approach American poetry from perspectives as diverse as the poetry itself. The result is a Companion concise enough to be read with pleasure yet expansive enough to do justice to the many traditions American poets have modified, inaugurated, and made their own.
1. 'The first shall be last'
apology and redemption in the work of the first New England poets, Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor Charlotte Gordon
2. Phillis Wheatley Carla Willard
3. The historical epic, women's poetry, and early American verse Kerry Larson
4. The first this time
Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes, Whittier Christoph Irmscher
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson Mark Scott
6. Edgar Allan Poe Kevin Hayes
7. Walt Whitman David S. Reynolds
8. Melville the poet Robert Faggen
9. Emily Dickinson Martha Nell Smith
10. Paul Laurence Dunbar Joanne M. Braxton and Lauri Ramey
11. Edwin Arlington Robinson Henry Atmore
12. Robert Frost Mark Richardson
13. Gertrude Stein Joan Retallack
14. Wallace Stevens Eleanor Cook
15. William Carlos Williams Ian Copestake
16. Ezra Pound Alec Marsh
17. Marianne Moore Celeste Goodridge
18. T. S. Eliot and American poetry John Cooper
19. Hart Crane's visionary company Robert Bernard Haas
20. The new Negro Renaissance Steven Tracey
21. Langston Hughes Henry Atmore
22. Elizabeth Bishop Susan McCabe
23. Gwendolyn Brooks James Smethurst
24. The three voices of Robert Lowell Steven Axelrod
25. The Black Mountain School Alan Golding
26. Jack Spicer Daniel Katz
27. Allen Ginsberg
irreverent, reverential, and apocalyptic American poet Jonah Raskin
28. Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, and confessional poetry Melanie Waters
29. 'Street musicians'
Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery Andrew Epstein
30. Adrienne Rich
the poetry of witness Wendy Martin and Annalisa Zox-Weaver
31. An 'empty prescription'
pleasure in contemporary American poetry David Kirby.