The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

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Edward Copeland
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 12/23/2010
EAN 9780521746502, ISBN10: 0521746507

Paperback, 302 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Jane Austen's stock in the popular marketplace has never been higher, while academic studies continue to uncover new aspects of her engagement with her world. This fully updated edition of the acclaimed Cambridge Companion offers clear, accessible coverage of the intricacies of Austen's works in their historical context, with biographical information and suggestions for further reading. Major scholars address Austen's six novels, the letters and other works, in terms accessible to students and the many general readers, as well as to academics. With seven new essays, the Companion now covers topics that have become central to recent Austen studies, for example, gender, sociability, economics, and the increasing number of screen adaptations of the novels.

Preface Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster
1. Chronology of Jane Austen's life Deirdre Le Faye
2. The professional woman writer Jan Fergus
3. Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility Thomas Keymer
4. Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park Jocelyn Harris
5. Emma and Persuasion Penny Gay
6. The early short fiction Margaret Anne Doody
7. 'Lady Susan', 'The Watsons' and 'Sanditon' Janet Todd
8. The letters Carol Houlihan Flynn
9. Class Juliet McMaster
10. Money Edward Copeland
11. Making a living David Selwyn
12. Gender E. J. Clery
13. Sociability Gillian Russell
14. Literary traditions Isobel Grundy
15. Jane Austen on screen Kathryn Sutherland
16. Cults and cultures Claudia Johnson
17. Further reading Bruce Stovel and Mary Chan