The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

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Cambridge University Press, 1/19/2015
EAN 9781107683280, ISBN10: 1107683289

Paperback, 304 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.7 cm
Language: English

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry comprises original essays by eighteen distinguished scholars. It offers a critical overview of major and emerging American poets of the twentieth century, in addition to critical accounts of the representative schools, movements, regional settings, archival resources, and critical reception that define modern American poetry. The Companion stretches the narrow term of 'literary modernism' - which encompasses works published from approximately 1890 to 1945 - to include a more capacious and usable account of American poetry's evolution from the twentieth century to the present. The essays collected here seek to account for modern American verse against the contexts of broad political, social, and cultural fields and forces. This volume gathers together major voices that represent the best in contemporary critical approaches and methods.

1. The emergence of 'the new poetry' John Timberman Newcomb
2. Modern American archives and scrapbook modernism Bartholomew Brinkman
3. Experimental modernism Alan Golding
4. The legacy of New York Cary Nelson
5. The modern American long poem Anne Day Dewey
6. Objectivist poetry and poetics Rachel Blau DuPlessis
7. American poetry and the popular front Alan Wald
8. Tracking the fugitive poets Kieran Quinlan
9. Midcentury modernism Stephen Burt
10. American confessional verse Michael Thurston
11. Black mountain poetry Kaplan Harris
12. Beat poetry and the San Francisco renaissance Maria Damon
13. The black arts movement and black aesthetics Evie Shockley
14. New York School and American surrealist poetics Edward J. Brunner
15. Land, place, and nation
toward an indigenous American poetics Janet McAdams
16. Transpacific and Asian American counterpoetics Yunte Huang
17. Language poetry Barrett Watten
18. Poet-critics and bureaucratic administration Evan Kindley.