The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 5/9/2013
EAN 9780521514101, ISBN10: 052151410X

Hardcover, 328 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

As more and more of our cultural heritage migrates into digital form and as increasing amounts of literature and art are created within digital environments, it becomes more important than ever before for us to understand how the medium affects the text. The expert contributors to this volume provide a clear, engrossing and accessible insight into how the texts we read and study are created, shaped and transmitted to us. They outline the theory behind studying texts in many different forms and offer case studies demonstrating key methodologies underlying the vital processes of editing and presenting texts. Through their multiple perspectives they demonstrate the centrality of textual scholarship to current literary studies of all kinds and express the sheer intellectual excitement of a crucial scholarly discipline entering a new phase of its existence.

textual scholarship in the age of media consciousness Neil Fraistat and Julia Flanders
1. A history of textual scholarship David Greetham
2. Anglo-American editorial theory Kathryn Sutherland
3. Continental editorial theory Geert Lernout
4. Late twentieth-century Shakespeares Hans Walter Gabler
5. Apparatus, text, interface
how to read a printed critical edition Paul Eggert
6. The politics of textual scholarship Michelle R. Warren
7. Fearful asymmetry Random Cloud
8. What is a book? Roger Chartier and Peter Stallybrass
9. Orality John D. Niles
10. Manuscript textuality Michael Sargent
11. Picture criticism
textual studies and the image Kari Kraus
12. Track changes
textual scholarship and the challenge of the born digital Matthew G. Kirschenbaum and Doug Reside
why digital textual scholarship matters Jerome J. McGann
Further reading