The Cambridge Companion to the Lied (Cambridge Companions to Music)

The Cambridge Companion to the Lied (Cambridge Companions to Music)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/1/2004
EAN 9780521800273, ISBN10: 0521800277

Hardcover, 438 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Beginning several generations before Schubert, the Lied first appears as domestic entertainment. In the century that follows it becomes one of the primary modes of music-making. By the time German song comes to its presumed conclusion with Richard Strauss's 1948 Vier letzte Lieder, this rich repertoire has moved beyond the home and keyboard accompaniment to the symphony hall. This is a 2004 introductory chronicle of this fascinating genre. In essays by eminent scholars, this Companion places the Lied in its full context - at once musical, literary, and cultural - with chapters devoted to focal composers as well as important issues, such as the way in which the Lied influenced other musical genres, its use as a musical commodity, and issues of performance. The volume is framed by a detailed chronology of German music and poetry from the late 1730s to the present and also contains a comprehensive bibliography.

Notes on the contributors
The Lied in context
a chronology
Names and dates mentioned in this Volume
Part I. Introducing a Genre
Why the Lied?' James Parsons
1. 'In the beginning was poetry' Jane Brown
Part II. The Birth and Early History of a Genre in the Age of Enlightenment
2. The eighteenth-century Lied James Parsons
3. The Lieder of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven Amanda Glauert
Part III. The Nineteenth Century
Issues of Style and Development
4. The Lieder of Schubert Marie-Agnes Dittrich
5. The early nineteenth-century song cycle Ruth O. Bingham
6. Schumann
reconfiguring the Lied Jürgen Thym
7. The Lied at mid-century James Deaville
8. The Lieder of Liszt Rena Charnin Mueller
9. The Lieder of Brahms Heather Platt
10. Tradition and innovation
the Lieder of Hugo Wolf Susan Youens
11. Song beyond song
instrumental transformations and adaptations of the Lied from Schubert to Mahler Christopher H. Gibbs
Part IV. Into the Twentieth Century
12. The Lieder of Mahler and Richard Strauss James L. Zychowicz
13. The Lied in the modern age
to mid century James Parsons
Part V. Reception and Performance
14. The circulation of the Lied
the double life of an artwork and a commodity David Gramit
15. The Lied in performance Graham Johnson
A guide to suggested further reading