The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra (Cambridge Companions to Music)

The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra (Cambridge Companions to Music)

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Edited by Colin Lawson
Cambridge University Press, 4/24/2003
EAN 9780521806589, ISBN10: 0521806585

Hardcover, 312 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

This guide to the orchestra and orchestral life is unique in the breadth of its coverage. It combines orchestral history and orchestral repertory with a practical bias offering critical thought about the past, present and future of the orchestra as a sociological and as an artistic phenomenon. This approach reflects many of the current global discussions about the orchestra's continued role in a changing society. Other topics discussed include the art of orchestration, scorereading, conductors and conducting, international orchestras, recording, as well as consideration of what it means to be an orchestral musician, an educator, or an informed listener. Written by experts in the field, the book will be of academic and practical interest to a wide-ranging readership of music historians and professional or amateur musicians as well as an invaluable resource for all those contemplating a career in the performing arts.

1. The history of the orchestra Tim Carter and Erik Levi
2. The development of musical instruments Robert Barclay
3. The orchestral repertory Peter Laki
4. From notation to sound Richard Rastall
5. The art of orchestration Julian Rushton
6. The history of direction and conducting Jeremy Siepman
7. International case studies Jon Tolanski
8. The revival of historical instruments Colin Lawson
9. Recording the orchestra John Rushby-Smith
10. Training the orchestral musician Simon Channing
11. The life of an orchestral musician Clive Gillinson and Jonathan Vaughan
12. Historical recordings of orchestras Robert Philip
13. The orchestral composer Robert Saxton
14. Educational programmes Sue Knussen
15. The future of the orchestra Stephen Cottrell. Appendix 1. The constitution of selected orchestras
Appendix 2. Orchestras founded in the nineteenth century
Appendix 3. Orchestras founded in the twentieth century.