The Cambridge Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

The Cambridge Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reprint, 1/3/2019
EAN 9781316643495, ISBN10: 1316643492

Paperback, 896 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 4.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This Handbook surveys existing descriptive and experimental approaches to the study of anxiety and related disorders, emphasizing the provision of empirically-guided suggestions for treatment. Based upon the findings from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the chapters collected here highlight contemporary approaches to the classification, presentation, etiology, assessment, and treatment of anxiety and related disorders. The collection also considers a biologically-informed framework for the understanding of mental disorders proposed by the National Institute of Mental Health's Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). The RDoC has begun to create a new kind of taxonomy for mental disorders by bringing the power of modern research approaches in genetics, neuroscience, and behavioral science to the problem of mental illness. The framework is a key focus for this book as an authoritative reference for researchers and clinicians.

Introduction Rebecca Cox and Bunmi O. Olatunji
Part I. Basic Mechanisms in Fear and Anxiety
1. Learning mechanisms in fear and anxiety Sara Scheveneels, Yannick Boddez and Dirk Hermans
2. Attentional bias and the anxiety disorders Ernst H. W. Koster and Anouk Vanden Bogaerde
3. Perceptual mechanisms of anxiety and its disorders Wen Li
Part II. Transdiagnostic Processes
4. Neuroticism/negative affectivity David Watson
5. Anxiety sensitivity Norman B. Schmidt, Nicole Short, Ian Stanley, Nicholas Allan and Brian Albanese
6. Disgust proneness Kelly A. Knowles and Bunmi O. Olatunji
7. Intolerance of uncertainty Peter M. McEvoy, R. Nicholas Carleton, Kelly Correa, Stewart A. Shankman and Sarah Shihata
8. Distress tolerance Lance M. Rappaport, Erin C. Berenz, Carl Lejuez and Roxann Roberson-Nay
9. Experiential avoidance Fallon R. Goodman, Maria A. Larrazabal, John T. West and Todd B. Kashdan
10. Emotion regulation Katya C. Fernandez, Amanda S. Morrison and James J. Gross
Part III. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Cultural Manifestations of Anxiety and Related Disorders
11. Anxiety disorders Anthony J. Rosellini, Esther S. Tung and Timothy A. Brown
12. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders Andrew M. Kiselica and Eric A. Storch
13. Trauma- and stressor-related disorders Daniel J. Lee, Sarah E. Kleiman and Frank W. Weathers
14. Cultural considerations in the anxiety and related disorders Devon Hinton and Eric Bui
Part IV. Etiology and Phenomenology of Specific OCD Spectrum Disorders
15. Specific phobia Peter J. Castagna, Marie Nebel-Schwalm, Thompson E. Davis, III and Peter Muris
16. Panic disorder and agoraphobia Bethany A. Teachman, Miranda L. Beltzer and Alexandra J. Werntz
17. Social anxiety disorder Arielle Horenstein, Rachel M. Butler and Richard G. Heimberg
18. Generalized anxiety disorder Ki Eun Shin, Lucas S. LaFreniere and Michelle G. Newman
19. Etiology of separation anxiety disorder Andrew R. Eisen and Kristin L. Toffey
20. Selective mutism Christopher A. Kearney, Andrew Gerthoffer, Amanda Howard and Rachele Diliberto
Part V. Etiology and Phenomenology of Specific OCD Spectrum Disorders
21. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders Lillian Reuman and Jonathan S. Abramowitz
22. Body dysmorphic disorder Emma Baldock and David Veale
23. Hoarding disorder Kristin S. Springer, Blaise L. Worden and David F. Tolin
24. Body-focused repetitive behavioral disorders Dan J. Stein and Christine Lochner
Part VI. Etiology and Phenomenology of Specific Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
25. Acute stress disorder Joshua C. Morganstein, Suzanne Yang, Gary H. Wynn, David M. Benedek and Robert J. Ursano
26. Posttraumatic stress disorder Katherine Buchholz, Zoe Feingold and Tara E. Galovski
27. Reactive attachment disorder Kimberly Renk
Part VII. Treatment and Prevention of Anxiety and Related Disorders
28. Anxiety disorders Joseph K. Carpenter, Kristina Conroy and Stefan G. Hofmann
29. OCD spectrum disorders Martin E. Franklin, Simone Budzyn and Holly Freeman
30. Trauma- and stressor-related disorders Andrew M. Sherrill and Sheila A. M. Rauch.