The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy (Cambridge Law Handbooks)

The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy (Cambridge Law Handbooks)

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Cambridge University Press, 12/17/2020
EAN 9781108971461, ISBN10: 1108971466

Paperback, 614 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 3.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Businesses are rushing to collect personal data to fuel surging demand. Data enthusiasts claim personal information that's obtained from the commercial internet, including mobile platforms, social networks, cloud computing, and connected devices, will unlock path-breaking innovation, including advanced data security. By contrast, regulators and activists contend that corporate data practices too often disempower consumers by creating privacy harms and related problems. As the Internet of Things matures and facial recognition, predictive analytics, big data, and wearable tracking grow in power, scale, and scope, a controversial ecosystem will exacerbate the acrimony over commercial data capture and analysis. The only productive way forward is to get a grip on the key problems right now and change the conversation. That's exactly what Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Evan Selinger do. They bring together diverse views from leading academics, business leaders, and policymakers to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the new data economy.

1. Consumer privacy and the future of society' Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene and Evan Selinger
Part I. The Pervasiveness and Value of Tracking Technologies
2. 'Data brokers – should they be reviled or revered? Jennifer Barrett Glasgow
3. In defense of big data analytics Mark MacCarthy
4. Education technology and student privacy Elena Zeide
5. Mobile privacy expectations
how privacy is respected in mobile devices Kristen Martin and Katie Shilton
6. Face recognition, real-time identification, and beyond Yana Welinder and Aeryn Palmer
7. The city as platform
enhancing privacy and transparency in smart communities Omer Tene and Kelsey Finch
Part II. Ethical and Legal Reservations about Tracking Technologies
8.Americans and marketplace privacy
seven Annenberg National Surveys in perspective Joseph Turow
9. The Federal Trade Commission's inner privacy struggle Chris Jay Hoofnagle
10. Privacy and human behavior in the information age Alessandro Acquisiti, Laura Branimarte and George Lowenstein
11. Privacy, vulnerability, and affordances Ryan Calo
12. Ethical considerations when companies study – and fail to study – their customers Michelle N. Meyer
13. Algorithmic discrimination vs. privacy law Alvaro Bedoya
14. Children, privacy, and the new online realities Stephen Balkam
15. Stakeholders and high stakes
divergent standards for do not track Aleecia M. McDonald
16. Applying ethics when using data beyond individuals' understanding Martin Abrams and Lynn Goldstein
Part III. International Perspectives
17. Profiling and the essence of the right to data protection Bilyana Petkova and Franziska Boehm
18. Privacy, freedom of expression, and the right to be forgotten in Europe Stefan Kulk and Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
19. Understanding the balancing act behind the legitimate interest of the controller ground
a pragmatic approach Paul de Hert and Irene Kamara
Part IV. New Approaches to Improve the Status Quo
20. The intersection of privacy and consumer protection Julie Brill
21. A design space for effective privacy notices Florian Schaub, Rebecca Balebako, Adam L. Durity and Lorrie Faith Cranor
22. Enter the professionals
organizational privacy in the digital age J. Trevor Hughes and Cobun Keegan
23. Privacy statements
purposes, requirements, best practices Mike Hintze
24. Privacy versus research in big data Jane R. Bambauer
25. A marketplace for privacy
incentives for privacy engineering and innovation Courtney Bowman and John Grant
26. The missing role of economics in FTC privacy policy James Cooper and Joshua Wright
27. Big data by design
establishing privacy governance by analytics Dale Skivington, Lisa Zolidis and Brian P. O'Connor
28. The future of self-regulation is co-regulation Ira Rubenstein
29. Privacy notices
limitations, challenges, and opportunities Mary Culan and Paula Bruening
30. It takes data to protect data David A. Hoffman and Patricia A. Rimo
31. Are benefit-cost analysis and privacy protection efforts incompatible? Adam Thierer
32. Privacy after the agile turn Seda Gurses and Joris van Hoboken.