The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 10/6/2011
EAN 9780521897075, ISBN10: 0521897076
Hardcover, 546 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
The most comprehensive overview available, this Handbook is an essential guide to sociolinguistics today. Reflecting the breadth of research in the field, it surveys a range of topics and approaches in the study of language variation and use in society. As well as linguistic perspectives, the handbook includes insights from anthropology, social psychology, the study of discourse and power, conversation analysis, theories of style and styling, language contact and applied sociolinguistics. Language practices seem to have reached new levels since the communications revolution of the late twentieth century. At the same time face-to-face communication is still the main force of language identity, even if social and peer networks of the traditional face-to-face nature are facing stiff competition of the Facebook-to-Facebook sort. The most authoritative guide to the state of the field, this handbook shows that sociolinguistics provides us with the best tools for understanding our unfolding evolution as social beings.
the sociolinguistic enterprise Rajend Mesthrie
Part I. Foundations of Sociolinguistics
1. Power, social differentiation and language John Baugh
2. Linguistic anthropology Alessandro Duranti
3. Social psychology and language Peter Robinson and Abigail Locke
4. Orality and literacy in sociolinguistics Lowry Hemphill
5. Sign languages Ceil Lucas and Bob Bayley
Part II. Interaction, Style and Discourse
6. Conversation and interaction Cynthia Gordon
7. Pragmatics and discourse Jan Blommaert
8. Style Nikolas Coupland
Part III. Social and Regional Dialectology
9. Language, class and status Gregory Guy
10. Language and region Bill Kretzschmar
11. Language and place Barbara Johnstone
12. Language, gender, sexuality Natalie Schilling
13. Language and ethnicity Carmen Fought
Part IV. Multilingualism and Language Contact
14. Multilingualism and multiculturalism Ana Deumert
15. Pidgins, creoles and other contact varieties John Singler and Silvia Kouwenberg
16. Code switching Pieter Muysken
17. Language maintenance, shift and endangerment Nicholas Ostler
18. Colonisation, globalisation and world Englishes Edgar Schneider
Part V. Applied Sociolinguistics
19. Language planning and policy James Tollefson
20. Language and the law Diana Eades
21. Language and the media Susan McKay
22. Language and education Christopher Stroud and Kathleen Heugh.
'Offers breadth, depth and up-to-date insight.' David Britain, University of Bern