The Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

The Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

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Cambridge University Press, 2/14/2019
EAN 9781108476706, ISBN10: 1108476708

Hardcover, 1000 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 5.2 cm
Language: English

Experts from across all industrial-organizational (IO) psychology describe how increasingly rapid technological change has affected the field. In each chapter, authors describe how this has altered the meaning of IO research within a particular subdomain and what steps must be taken to avoid IO research from becoming obsolete. This Handbook presents a forward-looking review of IO psychology's understanding of both workplace technology and how technology is used in IO research methods. Using interdisciplinary perspectives to further this understanding and serving as a focal text from which this research will grow, it tackles three main questions facing the field. First, how has technology affected IO psychological theory and practice to date? Second, given the current trends in both research and practice, could IO psychological theories be rendered obsolete? Third, what are the highest priorities for both research and practice to ensure IO psychology remains appropriately engaged with technology moving forward?

Part I. Technology in IO Psychology
1. The existential threat to IO psychology revealed by rapid technological change
2. Filling the IO/technology void
technology and training in IO psychology
3. The reciprocal roles of artificial intelligence and industrial-organizational psychology
Part II. Technology in Staffing
4. The next wave of internet-based recruitment
5. Applicant reactions in employee recruitment and selection
the role of technology
6. Applying adaptive approaches to talent management practices
7. Playing with a purpose
the role of games and gamification in modern assessment practices
8. Mobile assessment in personnel testing
theoretical and practical implications
9. The state of technology-enabled simulations
where are we? Where are we going?
10. The use of social media in staffing
Part III. Technology in training and development
11. Gamification of adult learning
gamifying employee training and development
12. Real career development with virtual mentoring
past, present and future
13. Professional coaching
the impact of virtual coaching on practice and research
14. Virtual reality training in organizations
Part IV. Technology in Leadership and Teams
15. Leading from a distance
advancements in virtual leadership research
16. Managing distributed work
theorizing an IPO framework
17. Virtual teams
conceptualization, integrative review, and research recommendations
18. Social media and teamwork
formation, process, and outcomes
Part V. Technology in Motivation and Performance
19. Telework
outcomes and facilitators for employees
20. A review and extension of cyber-deviance literature
why it likely persists
21. Information communication technology and employee well-being
understanding the 'iParadox Triad' at work
22. Technology and the aging worker
a review and agenda for future research
23. The role of technology in the work-family interface
24. Work in the developing world
technology as a barrier, technology as an enabler
25. I spy
a research agenda for the study of workplace surveillance and privacy
Part VI. Technology in Statistics and Research Methods
26. Raising the ante
technological advances in IO psychology
27. Data science as a new foundation for insightful, reproducible and trustworthy social science
28. Lost in the crowd
crowdsourcing as a research method
29. Research in the era of sensing technologies and wearables
30. Storytelling and sensemaking through data visualization
Part VII. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Employees and Technology
31. Microblogging behavior and technology adoption at the workplace
32. Advantages and unintended consequences of using electronic human resource management (eHRM) processes
33. Technology and social evaluation
implications for individuals and organizations.