The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100–1600

The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100–1600

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: New Ed, 9/1/1988
EAN 9780521369336, ISBN10: 0521369339

Paperback, 1050 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 5.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This 1982 book is a history of the great age of scholastism from Abelard to the rejection of Aristotelianism in the Renaissance, combining the highest standards of medieval scholarship with a respect for the interests and insights of contemporary philosophers, particularly those working in the analytic tradition. The volume follows on chronologically from The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, though it does not continue the histories of Greek and Islamic philosophy but concentrates on the Latin Christian West. Unlike other histories of medieval philosophy that divide the subject matter by individual thinkers, it emphasises the parts of more historical and theological interest. This volume is organised by those topics in which recent philosophy has made the greatest progress.

Introduction Norman Kretzmann
Part I. Medieval Philosophical Literature
1. Medieval philosophical literature Anthony Kenny and Jan Pinborg
Part II. Aristotle in the Middle Ages
2. Aristotle latinus Bernard G. Dod
3. The medieval interpretation of Aristotle C. H. Lohr
Part III. The Old Logic
4. Ancient scholastic logic as the source of medieval scholastic logic Sten Ebbesen
5. Predicables and categories D. P. Henry
6. Abelard and the culmination of the old logic Martin M. Tweedale
Part IV. Logic in the High Middle Ages
Semantic Theory
7. The origins of the theory of the properties of terms L. M. De Rijk
8. The Oxford and Paris traditions in logic Alain De Libera
9. The semantics of terms Paul Vincent Spade
10. The semantics of propositions Gabriel Nuchelmans
11. Syncategoremata, exponibilia, sophismata Norman Kretzmann
12. Insolubilia Paul Vincent Spade
13. Speculative grammar Jan Pinborg
Part V. Logic in the High Middle Ages
Propositions and Modalities
14. Topics
their development and absorption into consequences Eleonore Stump
15. Consequences Ivan Boh
16. Obligations A. From the beginning to the early fourteenth century Eleonore Stump
Obligations B. Developments in the fourteenth century Paul Vincent Spade
17. Modal logic Simo Knuuttila
18. Future contingents Calvin Normore
Part VI. Metaphysics and Epistemology
19. Essence and existence John F. Wippel
20. Universals in the early fourteenth century Marilyn McCord Adams
21. Faith, ideas, illuminations and experience Joseph Owen, C.SS.R
22. Intuitive and abstractive cognition John F. Boiler
23. Intentions and impositions Christian Knudsen
24. Demonstrative science Eileen Serene
Part VII. Natural Philosophy
25. The interpretation of Aristotle's Physics and the science of motion James A. Weisheipl, O.P.
26. The effect of the condemnation of 1277 Edward Grant
27. The Oxford calculators Edith Dudley Sylla
28. Infinity and continuity John E. Murdoch
Part VIII. Philosophy of Mind and Action
29. The potential and the agent intellect Z. Kuksewicz
30. Sense, intellect, and imagination in Albert, Thomas, and Siger Edward P. Mahoney
31. Criticisms of Aristotelian psychology and the Augustinian-Aristotelian synthesis Z. Kuksewicz
32. Free will and free choice J. B. Korolec
33. Thomas Aquinas on human action Alan Donagan
Part IX. Ethics
34. The reception and interpretation of Aristotle's Ethics Georg Wieland
35. Happiness
the perfection of man Georg Wieland
36. Conscience Timothy C. Potts
37. Natural morality and natural law D. E. Luscombe
Part X. Politics
38. The reception and interpretation of Aristotle's Politics Jean Dunbabin
39. Rights, natural rights, and the philosophy of law A. S. McGrade
40. The state of nature and the orign of the state D. E. Luscombe
41. The just war Jonathan Barnes
Part XI. The Defeat, Neglect, and Revival of Scholasticism
42. The eclipse of medieval logic E. J. Ashworth
43. Humanism and the teaching of logic Lisa Jardine
44. Changes in the approach to language W. Keith Percival
45. Scholasticism in the seventeenth century John A. Trentman
46. Neoscholasticism P. J. Fitzpatrick
Index nominum
Index rerum.