The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6, The Nineteenth Century, c.1830–1914

The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6, The Nineteenth Century, c.1830–1914

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Cambridge University Press, 2/7/2013
EAN 9780521300117, ISBN10: 0521300118

Hardcover, 709 pages, 23.5 x 16 x 4.2 cm
Language: English

In the nineteenth century, literary criticism first developed into an autonomous, professional discipline in the universities. This volume provides a comprehensive and authoritative study of the vast field of literary criticism between 1830 and 1914. In over thirty essays written from a broad range of perspectives, international scholars examine the growth of literary criticism as an institution, and the major critical developments in diverse national traditions and in different genres, as well as the major movements of Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism and Decadence. The History offers a detailed focus on some of the era's great critical figures, such as Sainte-Beuve, Hippolyte Taine and Matthew Arnold, and includes essays devoted to the connections of literary criticism with other disciplines in science, the arts and Biblical studies. The publication of this volume marks the completion of the monumental Cambridge History of Literary Criticism from antiquity to the present day.

Introduction M. A. R. Habib
Part I. Literary Criticism as an Institution
1. Contexts and conditions of literary criticism
1830–1914 Joanne Shattock
2. Literary studies and the academy David Goldie
3. Women and literary criticism Kimberly Vanesveld Adams
Part II. National Developments in Literary Criticism
4. Literature and nationalism Julia Wright
5. Germany
from Restoration to consolidation
Classical and Romantic legacies Willi Goetschel
6. France
the continuing debate over Classicism Allan Pasco
7. England
Romantic legacies Stephen Prickett
8. England
literature and culture James Najarian
9. Literary nationalism and US Romantic aesthetics David Van Leer
10. Russia
literature and society Edith Clowes
Part III. Critical Movements and Patterns of Influence
11. Literary autonomy
the growth of a modern concept Harold Schweizer
12. Hegel's aesthetics and their influence M. A. R. Habib
13. Marx, Engels and early Marxist criticism Macdonald Daly
Part IV. Later Nineteenth-Century Developments
Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism and Decadence
14. Realism, Naturalism and Symbolism in France Rosemary Lloyd
15. Symbolism and Realism in Germany Martin Swales
16. Nineteenth-century British critics of Realism Elaine Freedgood
17. American literary Realism Carol Singley
18. Decadence and fin de siècle Ray Furness
19. The avant-garde in early twentieth-century Europe Roger Cardinal
Part V. Some Major Critics of the Period
20. Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve (1804–69) Wolf Lepenies
21. Hippolyte Taine (1828–93) Hilary Nias
22. Francesco De Sanctis (1817–83) Renate Holub
23. Matthew Arnold (1822–88) Clinton Machann
24. Henry James (1843–1916) Donald David Stone
25. George Brandes (1842–1927) Paul Houe
Part VI. Genre Criticism
26. Theories of genre Steven Monte
27 Theories of the novel Nicholas Dames
28. Theories of poetry John Kerkering
29. Theories of drama John Osborne
Part VII. Literature and Other Disciplines
30. Literary criticism and models of science Gregory Moore
31. Literature and the arts Beth Wright
32. Biblical scholarship and literary criticism David Jeffrey
Select bibliography and further reading