The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy

The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy

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Cambridge University Press, 4/7/1988
EAN 9780521251044, ISBN10: 0521251044

Hardcover, 984 pages, 27.3 x 17.8 x 7.6 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, published in 1988, offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to the emergence of modern philosophy. This was the first volume in English to synthesise for a wider audience the substantial and sophisticated research now available. The volume is organised by branch of philosophy rather than by individual philosopher or school, and the intention has been to present the internal development of different aspects of the subject in their own historical context. The structure also naturally emphasises the international nature of philosophy in the Renaissance.

Part I. The Intellectual Context
The Conditions of Enquiry
1. Manuscripts John F. D'Amico
2. Printing and censorship Paul F. Grendler
3. The Renaissance concept of philosophy Cesare Vasoli
4. Translation, terminology and style in philosophical discourse Brain P. Copenhaver
5. Humanism Paul Oskar Kristeller
Part II. Philosophy and its Parts
Logic and Language
6. Traditional logic E. J. Ashworth
7. Humanistic logic Lisa Jardine
Part III. Natural Philosophy
8. Traditional natural philosophy William A. Wallace
9. The new philosophy of nature Alfonso Ingegno
10. Astrology and magic Brian P. Copenhaver
11. Moral philosophy Jill Kraye
12. Political philosophy Quentin Skinner
Part IV. Psychology
13. The concept of psychology Katharine Park and Eckhard Kessler
14. The organic soul Katharine Park
15. The intellective soul Eckhard Kessler
16. Metaphysics Charles H. Lohr
Part V. Problems of Knowledge and Action
17. Fate, fortune, providence and human freedom Antonino Poppi
18. Theories of knowledge Richard H. Popkin
19. Epistemology of the sciences Nicholas Jardine
Part VI. Philosophy and Humanistic Disciplines
20. Rhetoric and poetics Brian Vickers
21. The theory of history Donald R. Kelley
Supplementary material
22. The availability of ancient works Anthony Grafton
23. The rise of the philosophical textbook Charles B. Schmitt
Bibliographies Michael J. Wilmott and Charles B. Schmitt
Bibliography Michael J. Wilmott and Charles B. Schmitt