The Cauchy Problem: 18 (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Cambridge University Press, 2/14/1985
EAN 9780521302388, ISBN10: 0521302382
Hardcover, 668 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 3.5 cm
Language: English
This volume deals with the Cauchy or initial value problem for linear differential equations. It treats in detail some of the applications of linear space methods to partial differential equations, especially the equations of mathematical physics such as the Maxwell, Schrödinger and Dirac equations. Background material presented in the first chapter makes the book accessible to mathematicians and physicists who are not specialists in this area as well as to graduate students.
Editor's statement
1. Elements of functional analysis
2. The caucy problem for some equations of mathematical physics
the abstract cauchy problem
3. Properly posed cauchy problems
general theory
4. Dissipative operators and applications
5. Abstract parabolic equations
applications to second order parabolic equations
6. Perturbation and approximation of abstract differential equations
7. Some improperly posed cauchy problems
8. The abstract cauchy problem for time-dependent equations
9. The cauchy problem in the sense of vector-valued distributions