The Economic Implications of Aging Societies: The Costs of Living Happily Ever After

The Economic Implications of Aging Societies: The Costs of Living Happily Ever After

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Steven A. Nyce
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Third Impression, 3/24/2005
EAN 9780521617246, ISBN10: 0521617243

Paperback, 424 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.8 cm
Language: English

The world is getting older and no one knows exactly what life will be like in tomorrow's older societies. But we do know that age dependency ratios - the ratio of retirees to workers - will be much higher than we see today. The implications of this trend are plain. The combined effects of fewer workers, more retirees and longer retirement periods threaten not only the sustainability of pension systems but also the broader economic prospects of many developed countries. This book describes trends in birth rates, longevity and labor force participation and productivity, the cross-border flow of capital, the globalization of labor markets, the financial viability of social insurance programs, and the ways economic output is shared between working-age and retiree populations. Our most effective solution will likely be a multifaceted one: more workers, longer careers, higher productivity, and more global exchange and cooperation.

1. Introduction
2. Population developments in a global context
3. Pension options, motivations and choices
4. Pension structures and the implications of aging
5. Retirement systems and the economic costs of aging
6. Beyond pensions to health care considerations
7. Labor supply and living standards
8. Too many wants or too few workers?
9. Alternatives to finding more workers
10. Aligning retirement policy with labor needs
11. Funding pensions and securing retiree claims
12. Macroeconomic policies for improved living standards
13. Risks associated with alternative public policies
14. Roadmap to the future.