The Emperor and Rome: Space, Representation, and Ritual: 35 (Yale Classical Studies, Series Number 35)

The Emperor and Rome: Space, Representation, and Ritual: 35 (Yale Classical Studies, Series Number 35)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 12/2/2010
EAN 9780521519533, ISBN10: 0521519535

Hardcover, 388 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2.2 cm
Language: English

The transition from republic to monarchy with the accession of Augustus heralded the transformation not just of the Roman political system but of the city of Rome itself. This volume, written by some of the foremost scholars from around the world, addresses three main topics: the impact of imperial building programs on the configuration of space within the city and on the evolution of Rome's urban image; the various ways in which the figure of the emperor himself was represented, both visually and symbolically, in the city's urban fabric; and the performance of rituals and ceremonies that expressed key imperial ideals and values and enabled communications between the emperor and important collectivities in the city. The contributors build on important recent developments in research: increased archaeological excavation and restoration, the proliferation of digital technologies, and the greater attention paid by scholars to the centuries after Augustus.

Introduction Björn C. Ewald and Carlos F. Noreña
1. By the emperor, for the people
'popular' architecture in Rome Paul Zanker
2. The emperor and senatorial aristocracy in competition for public space Werner Eck
3. Propaganda, staged applause, or local politics? Public monuments from Augustus to Septimius Severus Emanuel Mayer
4. Pompey's Theater and Tiberius' Temple of Concord
a Late Republican primer for an early Imperial patron James E. Packer
5. Antonine Rome
security in the homeland Mary T. Boatwright
6. Liberator urbis suae
Constantine and the ghost of Maxentius Elizabeth Marlowe
7. The portraits of Roman emperors and their families
controversial positions and unresolved problems Klaus Fittschen
8. Crossing the pomerium
the armed ruler at Rome Michael Koortbojian
9. How the Emperor Nero lost acceptance in Rome Egon Flaig
10. The imperial funerary pyre as a work of ephemeral architecture Eve D'Ambra
11. Roman imperial funerals in effigie Javier Arce.