The European Garden Flora 5 Volume Hardback Set: The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass: Volume 1

The European Garden Flora 5 Volume Hardback Set: The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass: Volume 1

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 8/11/2011
EAN 9780521761475, ISBN10: 0521761476

Hardcover, 688 pages, 27.6 x 21.9 x 3.2 cm
Language: English

The European Garden Flora is the definitive manual for the accurate identification of cultivated ornamental flowering plants. Designed to meet the highest scientific standards, the vocabulary has nevertheless been kept as uncomplicated as possible so that the work is fully accessible to the informed gardener as well as to the professional botanist. This new edition has been thoroughly reorganised and revised, bringing it into line with modern taxonomic knowledge. Although European in name, the Flora covers plants cultivated in most areas of the United States and Canada as well as in non-tropical parts of Asia and Australasia. Volume 1 contains accounts of all the Monocotyledons, which includes those groups known informally as the 'petaloid monocotyledons' (the Liliaceae and Amaryllidaceae in the first edition, divided here among 17 families), the grasses and sedges (Gramineae and Cyperaceae), the aroids (Araceae) and the large and diverse Orchidaceae.

List of maps and figures
List of contributors to the 1st edition
Preface to the 2nd edition
Preface to the 1st edition
Key to families
1. Alismataceae
2. Butomaceae
3. Limnocharitaeae
4. Hydrocharitaceae
5. Aponogetonaceae
6. Potamogetonaceae
7. Melanthiaceae
8. Asphodelaceae
9. Anthericaceae
10. Aphyllanthaceae
11. Hostaceae
12. Hemerocallidaceae
13. Blandfordiaceae
14. Aloaceae
15. Colchicaceae
16. Liliaceae
17. Alstroemeriaceae
18. Hyacinthaceae
19. Alliaceae
20. Convallariaceae
21. Asteliaceae
22. Trilliaceae
23. Asparagaceae
24. Ruscaceae
25. Philesiaceae
26. Smilacaceae
27. Agavaceae
28. Doryanthaceae
29. Nolinaceae
30. Dracaenaceae
31. Phormiaceae
32. Haemodoraceae
33. Ixioliriaceae
34. Amaryllidaceae
35. Tecophilaeaceae
36. Hypoxidaceae
37. Velloziaceae
38. Taccaceae
39. Dioscoreaceae
40. Pontederiaceae
41. Iridaceae
42. Juncaceae
43. Bromeliaceae
44. Commelinaceae
45. Gramineae
46. Palmae
47. Araceae
48. Acoraceae
49. Lemnaceae
50. Pandanaceae
51. Sparganiaceae
52. Typhaceae
53. Cyperaceae
54. Musaceae
55. Strelitziaceae
56. Zingiberaceae
57. Costaceae
58. Cannaceae
59. Marantaceae
60. Orchidaceae