The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics: Volume 3, Korean: 03
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/13/2009
EAN 9780521833356, ISBN10: 0521833353
Hardcover, 660 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.5 cm
Language: English
A large body of knowledge has accumulated in recent years on the cognitive processes and brain mechanisms underlying language. Much of this knowledge has come from studies of Indo-European languages, in particular English. Korean, a language of growing interest to linguists, differs significantly from most Indo-European languages in its grammar, its lexicon, and its written and spoken forms - features which have profound implications for the learning, representation and processing of language. This handbook, the third in a three-volume series on East Asian psycholinguistics, presents a state-of-the-art discussion of the psycholinguistic study of Korean. With contributions by over sixty leading scholars, it covers topics in first and second language acquisition, language processing and reading, language disorders in children and adults, and the relationships between language, brain, culture, and cognition. It will be invaluable to all scholars and students interested in the Korean language, as well as cognitive psychologists, linguists, and neuroscientists.
advances in Korean psycholinguistics Chungmin Lee, Youngjin Kim and Greg Simpson
1. Acquisition of the subject and topic nominals and markers in the spontaneous speech by young children in Korean Chungmin Lee
2. The acquisition of argument structure and transitivity in Korean
a discourse-functional approach Patricia M. Clancy
3. Acquisition of case markers and grammatical functions Gyeonghee No
4. Do Korean children acquire verbs earlier than nouns? You-kyung Chang-Song and Soyeong Pae
5. The acquisition of the placement of the verb in the clause structure of Korean Chung-hye Han, Jeffrey Lidz and Julien Musolino
6. Learning locative verb syntax
a cross-linguistic experimental study Meesook Kim
7. Language-specific spatial semantics and cognition
developmental patterns in English and Korean Soonja Choi
8. The acquisition of negation in Korean Judy Yoo-Kyung Baek and Kenneth Wexler
9. The acquisition of Korean numeral classifiers Kwee-Ock Lee and Sun-Young Lee
10. Acquisition of Korean reflexive anaphora Sook Whan Cho
11. The Korean relative clause
issues of processing and acquisition Jong Sup Jun
12. The accessibility hierarchy in Korean
head-external and head-internal relative clauses Sookeun Cho and William O'Grady
13. Development of functional categories in child Korean Ho Han
14. The acquisition of modality Chungmin Lee
15. The syntax of overmarking and kes in child Korean John Whitman
16. Events in passive development Youngjoo Lee
17. Universal quantification in child grammar Hye-Kyung Kang
18. The acquisition of prosody in Korean Youngon Choi and Reiko Mazuka
19. Korean as a heritage language Terry Kit-fong Au and Janet Sae Oh
20. Maturational effects on L2 acquisition Dami Lee
21. Acquisition of English articles by Koreans Heejeong Ko, Tania Ionin and Kenneth Wexler
22. The acquisition of wanna contraction by adult Korean learners of English Soo-Ok Kweon
23. Phonological abilities of Korean-English bilinguals Grace H. Yeni-Komshian
24. Parameters and languages in contact
an altered view of codeswitching Keumsil Kim Yoon
25. Influence of socio-psychological categories in bilingual interaction M. Agnes Kang
26. Ontological concept versus shape in word learning from the cross-linguistic point of view Hyeonjin Lee
27. An overview of Korean sign language Se-Eun Jhang
28. Visual processing of Hangul, the Korean script ChangHo Park
29. English vowel spaces produced and perceived by Americans and Koreans Byunggon Yang
30. Morphological representation and processing of Sino-Korean words Kwangoh Yi
31. The role of phonology in word recognition of Korean Hangul and Hanja Jeung-Ryeul Cho
32. Lexical and sublexical processes in Korean word recognition Greg B. Simpson and Hyewon Kang
33. Prosody in sentence processing Sun-Ah Jun
34. Korean sentence processing Youngjin Kim and Kwangill Choi
35. Sentence processing and memory representation in Korean Jae-Ho Lee and Sung-il Kim
36. Understanding complex sentences
memory constraints and information structures Yoonhyung Lee and Peter Gordon
37. Korean language processing by ERP studies
word order effects Kyung Soon Shin and Jun Soo Kwon
38. Inferences during discourse comprehension in Korean Soyoung Suh Kim, Jung-Mo Lee and Jae-Ho Lee
39. Morpho-syntactic processing in Korean aphasics Yu Mi Hwang, Kichun Nam and Myung-Yoon Kang
40. Morpho-syntactic processing of Korean-speaking adults with Broca's aphasia and children with SLI Mina Hwang
41. Comprehension deficits in Korean agrammatic aphasia Miseon Lee
42. Developmental reading disorders in Korean Jeesun Kim and Chris Davis
43. Individual differences in Korean language processing
context-dependent processing of skilled readers in word ambiguity resolution Byeong-Taek Lee
44. The computational model of lexical and morphological processing in Korean HeuiSeok Lim.
‘This volume completes a highly valuable series on East Asian language processing studies. It is comprehensive in its coverage both with regard to structural issues, methods and theory, and it is presented in an accessible style that allows readers from across the psycholinguistic community to appreciate the significance of a fascinating range of findings from Korean language research.’ Merrill Garrett, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, University of Arizona