The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set: The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume 1

The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set: The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume 1

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Cambridge University Press, 11/21/2013
EAN 9781107039827, ISBN10: 1107039827

Hardcover, 447 pages, 25 x 17.8 x 3.2 cm
Language: English

The first study of its kind, The Impact of Idealism assesses the impact of classical German philosophy on science, religion and culture. This volume explores German Idealism's impact on philosophy and scientific thought. Fourteen essays, by leading authorities in their respective fields, each focus on the legacy of a particular idea that emerged around 1800, when the underlying concepts of modern philosophy were being formed, challenged and criticised, leaving a legacy that extends to all physical areas and all topics in the philosophical world. From British Idealism to phenomenology, existentialism, pragmatism and French postmodernism, the story of German Idealism's impact on philosophy is here interwoven with man's scientific journey of self-discovery in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – from Darwin to Nietzsche to Freud and beyond. Spanning the analytical and Continental divide, this first volume examines Idealism's impact on contemporary philosophical discussions.

The impact of idealism
a historical introduction Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley
Foreword Dieter Henrich
idealism in natural sciences and philosophy Karl Ameriks
1. Philosophy of natural science in idealism and neo-Kantianism Michael Friedman
2. The impact of German Idealism and romanticism on biology in the nineteenth century Robert J. Richards
3. The unconscious
transcendental origins, idealist metaphysics and psychoanalytic metapsychology Sebastian Gardner
4. Nietzsche, Kant and teleology Christian Emden
5. Transcendental idealism, phenomenology and the metaphysics of intentionality Robert Hanna
6. Heidegger and the impact of idealism Dan Dahlstrom
7. French Hegelianism and anti-Hegelianism in the 1960s
Hyppolite, Foucault and Deleuze Gary Gutting
8. Scottish idealism David Fergusson
9. 'My station and its duties'
social-role accounts of obligation in Green and Bradley Robert Stern
10. Idealism and the origin of analytic philosophy Peter Hylton
11. Idealism and pragmatism
the inheritance of Hegel's concept of experience Dina Edmunts
12. Reason's form Robert Pippin.

'This unprecedented collection by scholars from the UK, US, and Europe chronicles the rise of German Idealism and reveals its enduring influence on virtually every area of modern thought and action from philosophy to science, society and politics, the practice, criticism, and theory of the arts, and religion.' Paul Guyer, University of Pennsylvania

'The Impact of Idealism is a monumental achievement, a bold attempt to fathom the legacy of German idealism in every sphere of culture. The extent and the depth of the enterprise, in its four volumes, is staggering. Nothing like it has been done before, and it is unlikely that anything like it will ever be attempted again. It is the product of an impressive array of scholars, virtually everyone who is anyone in the field. It is sure to be the standard work on the subject. Anyone whose work touches on German idealism, which is almost all of us, will need to read it.' Frederick Beiser, Syracuse University