The Intrinsic Worth of Persons: Contractarianism in Moral and Political Philosophy

The Intrinsic Worth of Persons: Contractarianism in Moral and Political Philosophy

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Jean Hampton
Cambridge University Press, 11/13/2006
EAN 9780521856867, ISBN10: 0521856868

Hardcover, 238 pages, 23.4 x 15.5 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Contractarianism in some form has been at the center of recent debates in moral and political philosophy. Jean Hampton was one of the most gifted philosophers involved in these debates and provided both important criticisms of prominent contractarian theories plus powerful defenses and applications of the core ideas of contractarianism. In these essays, she brought her distinctive approach, animated by concern for the intrinsic worth of persons, to bear on topics such as guilt, punishment, self-respect, family relations, and the maintenance and justification of the state. Edited by Daniel Farnham, this collection is an essential contribution to understanding the problems and prospectus of contractarianism in moral, legal and political philosophy.

1. Feminist contractarianism
2. Selflessness and loss of self
3. Mens Rea
4. Correcting harms versus righting wrongs
the goal of retribution
5. The common faith of liberalism
6. The contractarian explanation of the state.