The Legacies of Totalitarianism

The Legacies of Totalitarianism

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Aviezer Tucker
Cambridge University Press, 10/31/2015
EAN 9781107121263, ISBN10: 1107121264

Hardcover, 288 pages, 23.5 x 15.5 x 2 cm
Language: English

The first political theory of post-Communism examines its implications for understanding liberty, rights, transitional justice, property rights, privatization, rule of law, centrally planned public institutions, and the legacies of totalitarian thought in language and discourse. The transition to post-totalitarianism was the spontaneous adjustment of the rights of the late-totalitarian elite to its interest. Post-totalitarian governments faced severe scarcity in the supply of justice. Rough justice punished the perpetrators and compensated their victims. Historical theories of property rights became radical, and consequentialist theories, conservative. Totalitarianism in Europe disintegrated but did not end. The legacies of totalitarianism in higher education met New Public Management, totalitarian central planning under a new label. Totalitarianism divorced language from reality through the use of dialectics that identified opposites and the use of logical fallacies to argue for ideological conclusions. This book illustrates these legacies in the writings of Habermas, Derrida, and Žižek about democracy, personal responsibility, dissidence, and totalitarianism.

1. The adjustment of elite rights to interests
2. Post-totalitarian rough justice
3. Rough justice
post-totalitarian retribution
4. Rough and shallow
post-totalitarian rectification
5. The new politics of property rights
6. Old to new totalitarianism
post-totalitarian higher education
7. Short-circuiting reason
the legacies of post-totalitarian thinking
Conclusion. Only dissidents can save us now.