The New Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 1, From the Beginnings to 600
Cambridge University Press, 5/9/2013
EAN 9780521859387, ISBN10: 0521859387
Hardcover, 1006 pages, 23.1 x 16.3 x 5.6 cm
Language: English
Recent years have witnessed significant discoveries of texts and artefacts relevant to the study of the Old and New Testaments and remarkable shifts in scholarly methods of study. The present volume mirrors the increasing specialization of Old Testament studies, including the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and reflects rich research activity that has unfolded over the last four decades in Pentateuch theory, Septuagint scholarship, Qumran studies and early Jewish exegesis of biblical texts. The second half of the volume discusses the period running from the New Testament to 600, including chapters on the Coptic, Syriac and Latin bibles, the 'Gnostic' use of the scriptures, pagan engagement with the Bible, the use of the Bible in Christian councils and in popular and non-literary culture. A fascinating in-depth account of the reception of the Bible in the earliest period of its history.
Part I. Languages, Writing Systems and Book Production
1. The language of the Old Testament Geoffrey Khan
2. Varieties of Greek in the Septuagint and the New Testament Jan Joosten
3. Writing and book production in the Ancient Near East William Schniedewind
4. Writing and book production in the Hellenistic and Roman periods Larry Hurtado and Chris Keith
Part II. The Hebrew Bible and Old Testaments
5. The text of the Hebrew Bible and its transmission Eugene Ulrich
6. The literary history of the Hebrew Bible Joachim Schaper
7. The Old Testament Canons John Barton
8. The 'Apocryphal' Old Testament John J. Collins
9. From inner biblical exegesis to Rabbinic exegesis Günther Stemberger
10. The Aramaic Targums Robert Hayward
11. Biblical interpretation in Qumran Jonathan G. Campbell
12. The Septuagint Kristin De Troyer
13. Biblical interpretation in Greek Jewish writings William Horbury
14. Scripture in the Jerusalem temple Robert Hayward
15. The political and legal uses of scripture James W. Watts
16. Modern editions of the Hebrew Bible E. Tov
Part III. The New Testament
17. The New Testament Canon Joseph Verheyden
18. The New Testament text and versions David Parker
19. The 'Apocryphal' New Testament Keith Elliott
20. The Old Testament in the New Testament Dale C. Allison
Part IV. Biblical Versions other than the Hebrew and the Greek
21. The Latin Bible P.-M. Bogaert
22. The Syriac versions of the Bible Peter Williams
23. The translation of the Bible into Coptic Wolf-Peter Funk
Part V. The Reception of the Bible in the Post-New Testament Period
24. The interpretation of the Bible in the second century James Carleton Paget
25. Gnostic and Manichean interpretation Winrich Löhr
26. Origen Gilles Dorival
27. Eusebius Michael J. Hollerich
28. Jerome Adam Kamesar
29. Augustine Carol Harrison
30. Syriac exegesis J. F. Coakley
31. Figurative readings
their scope and justification Mark Edwards
32. Traditions of exegesis Frances Young
33. Pagans and the Bible Wolfram Kinzig
34. Exegetical genres in the Patristic era Mark Elliott
35. The Bible in doctrinal development and Christian councils Thomas Graumann
36. The Bible in liturgy Gerard Rouwhorst
37. The Bible in popular and non-literary culture Lucy Grig
Select bibliography