The Psychologist's Companion: A Guide to Professional Success for Students, Teachers, and Researchers
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 6, 12/15/2016
EAN 9781316505182, ISBN10: 1316505189
Paperback, 386 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
The Psychologist's Companion, 6th edition is written for students, young professionals, and even mid-career scholars. It is the most comprehensive guide available to both written and oral communication processes for academic psychologists. It covers the topics necessary for career success, including planning papers, writing papers, presenting data, evaluating one's papers, writing grant proposals, giving talks, finding a book publisher, doing job interviews, and doing media interviews. Because the book is in its sixth edition, it is market tested for success in reaching and engaging its readers. Two special (new) pedagogical features are 'Experience is the best teacher', which draws on the authors' personal experiences to help make the book more personalized and exciting to readers, and 'What's wrong here', which gives readers an opportunity for active learning while they read the book. The authors have written the book in a personable and often humorous style that will keep readers engaged.
Part I. Macro-Challenges in Writing Papers
Planning and Formulating Papers
1. Eight common misconceptions about psychology papers
2. How to generate, evaluate, and sell your ideas for research and papers
3. Literature research
4. Writing a literature review
5. Planning and writing the experimental research paper
6. Ethics in research and writing
Part II. Micro-Challenges in Writing Papers
Presenting Your Ideas in Writing
7. A word about content, language, and style
8. Commonly misused words
9. American Psychological Association guidelines for psychology papers
10. Guidelines for data presentation
Part III. Writing and Preparing Papers for Journal Submission
11. Article writing
12. How to make your paper even better
proofreading, revising, and editing
13. Critical checklist before submitting an article for publication
14. Deciding on a journal and submitting a paper to a journal
Part IV. Presenting Yourself to Others
15. Preparing a poster presentation
16. Writing a grant or contract proposal
17. How to find a book publisher
18. Writing a lecture
19. Doing a job interview
20. Doing media interviews