The Psychology of Organizational Change

The Psychology of Organizational Change

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Rune Todnem By Edited by Shaul Oreg
Cambridge University Press, 4/18/2013
EAN 9781107020092, ISBN10: 1107020093

Hardcover, 352 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

In a rapidly changing world, with constantly shifting dynamics, organizational change may prove essential if businesses are to continue to succeed. The majority of research on organizational change adopts a macro outlook, focusing on strategic issues from the perspective of the organization and its management. In this volume we undertake a micro perspective, focusing on the individual and, more specifically, the importance of the employees and their reactions to organizational change. This focus expands our understanding of why change initiatives frequently fail. The Psychology of Organizational Change constitutes an essential resource for scholars, students, and practitioners in the field of organizational change and development who strive to understand how to make change work not only for the organization, but also for its members.

Part I. Introduction
1. Introduction Shaul Oreg, Rune Todnem By and Alexandra Michel
2. Capturing the positive experience of change
antecedents, processes, and consequences Mel Fugate
Part II. The Nature of Employees' Reactions to Change
3. Commitment to organizational change
theory, research, principles, and practice John P. Meyer and Leah K. Hamilton
4. Reactions to organizational change
an integrated model of health predictors, intervening variables, and outcomes Alexandra Michel and M. Gloria González-Morales
Part III. Predicting Employees' Reactions to Change
Individual Factors
5. Reactions to organizational change from an individual differences perspective
a review of empirical research Maria Vakola, Achilles Armenakis and Shaul Oreg
6. Employee adaptability to change at work
a multidimensional, resource-based framework Karen van Dam
Part IV. Predicting Employees' Reactions to Change
Organizational Factors
7. When leadership meets organizational change
the influence of the top management team and supervisory leaders on change appraisals, change attitudes, and adjustment to change Alannah E. Rafferty, Nerina L. Jimmieson and Simon Lloyd D. Restubog
8. Anticipatory (in)justice and organizational change
understanding employee reactions to change Rashpal K. Dhensa-Kahlon and Jacqueline A. M. Coyle-Shapiro
Part V. The Role of Communication within the Process of Change
9. Quality change communication and employee responses to change
an investigation of the moderating effects of individual differences in an experimental setting Nerina L. Jimmieson, Alannah E. Rafferty and James E. Allen
10. Rumors during organizational change
a motivational analysis Prashant Bordia and Nicholas DiFonzo
Part VI. The Interplay between Change and the Organization
11. Change and fit, fit and change Steven Caldwell
12. Organizational identification and organizational change Frank Drzensky and Rolf van Dick
Part VII. Conclusion and Commentary
13. Commentary
change processes and action implications Richard W. Woodman and Jean M. Bartunek.