The Rinderpest Campaigns: A Virus, Its Vaccines, and Global Development in the Twentieth Century (Global and International History)

The Rinderpest Campaigns: A Virus, Its Vaccines, and Global Development in the Twentieth Century (Global and International History)

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Amanda Kay McVety
Cambridge University Press, 8/23/2018
EAN 9781108422741, ISBN10: 1108422748

Hardcover, 306 pages, 23.5 x 16 x 2 cm
Language: English

Amanda Kay McVety has written the first history of the international effort to eradicate rinderpest - a devastating cattle disease - which began in the 1940s and ended in 2011. Rinderpest is the only other disease besides smallpox to have been eradicated, but very few people in the United States know about it, because it did not infect humans and never broke out in North America. In other parts of the world, however, rinderpest was a serious economic and social burden and the struggle against it was a critical part of the effort to fight poverty and hunger globally. McVety follows the deployment of rinderpest vaccines around the globe, exploring the role of the environment in the understanding of development, internationalism, and national security. She expands the standard Cold War narratives to show how these concepts were framed not only by economic and political concerns, but also by biological ones.

1. Rinderpest and the origins of international vooperation for disease control
2. GIR-1
rinderpest in World War II
3. 'Freedom from want'
UNRRA's rinderpest campaigns
4. The machinery of development
FAO's rinderpest campaigns
5. Back to Grosse ÃŽle
biological warfare in the postwar world
6. 'Freedom from rinderpest'