The Riverscape and the River

The Riverscape and the River

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S. M. Haslam
Cambridge University Press, 2/21/2008
EAN 9780521839785, ISBN10: 0521839785

Hardcover, 422 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

In this study Dr Haslam examines how the quantity, function and ecology of water changes as it moves from watershed to river. The development of river and riverscape, their ecology, the effect of human activities (such as water abstractions, flood control and management for recreational use) and water resources are described both in principle and using case histories. Contrasting examples are given from across the world, including Iceland, Hungary, Malta, Britain and the USA, which enables understanding of how water and riverscape interact with each other, and with human impact. The study, development and loss of water resources is also described, including the extreme example of Malta, whose clean water now depends solely on oil imports. This innovative book is written for graduate students and professionals interested in how water and riverscape interact.

1. Introduction
2. The natural river and its destruction
3. The natural riverscape and its modification
4. Resources I. Water resources and their loss
5. Development and variation of rivers
6. Development and variation of riverscapes
7. Building blocks of river vegetation
8. Building blocks of flood plain vegetation
9. Resources II. Plants and animals, cleaning and minerals
10. Building blocks of the riverscape
11. Patterns, boundaries and fragmentation
12. Resources III. Settlements and constructions
13. The harsh riverscape
14. The tempered or smiling riverscape
15. Envoi.

'...a book that deliberately provides a wide and generous view of river landscapes...' Bulletin of the British Ecological Society