The Role of ‘Experts' in International and European Decision-Making Processes: Advisors, Decision Makers or Irrelevant Actors?

The Role of ‘Experts' in International and European Decision-Making Processes: Advisors, Decision Makers or Irrelevant Actors?

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Cambridge University Press, 8/28/2014
EAN 9781107074781, ISBN10: 1107074789

Hardcover, 426 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

Experts are increasingly relied on in decision-making processes at international and European levels. Their involvement in those processes, however, is contested. This timely book on the role of 'experts' provides a broad-gauged analysis of the issues raised by their involvement in decision-making processes. The chapters explore three main recurring themes: the rationales for involving experts and ensuing legitimacy problems; the individual and collective dimensions of expert involvement in decision making; and experts and politics and the politics of expertise. With contributions from leading scholars and practitioners, they theorize the experts' involvement in general and address their role in the policy areas of environment, trade, human rights, migration, financial regulation, and agencification in the European Union.

1. The role of experts in international and European decision-making processes
setting the scene Monika Ambrus, Karin Arts, Ellen Hey and Helena Raulus
Part I. Theorizing Expert Involvement in International and European Decision-Making
2. Ideas, experts and governance Peter M. Haas
3. The politics of expertise
applying paradoxes of scientific expertise to international law Wouter G. Werner
4. Reflections on the different roles of expertise in regulatory policy-making Lorna Schrefler
5. The virtues of expertise Jan Klabbers
Part II. Expert Involvement in International Decision-Making in the Environmental Sphere
6. The role of scientific expertise in multilateral environmental agreements
influence and effectiveness Steinar Andresen
7. Changing demands at the science-policy interface
organisational learning in the IPCC Bernd Siebenhüner
8. Global scientific assessments and environmental resource governance
towards a science-policy interface ladder Joyeeta Gupta
Part III. Experts in the WTO and Risk Regulation
9. The structural logic of expert participation in WTO decision-making processes Jessica Lawrence
10. Health risks, experts and decision making within the SPS Agreement and the Codex Alimentarius Alexia Herwig
11. The role of experts in environmental and health-related trade disputes in the WTO
deconstructing decision-making processes Lukasz Gruszczynski
Part IV. Experts in Human Rights Related Decision-Making Processes
12. Human rights experts in the United Nations
a review of the role of UN special procedures Surya P. Subedi
13. 'Experts'
the mantra of irregular migration and the reproduction of hierarchies Jeff Handmaker and Claudia Mora
14. Private carriers as experts in immigration control Sophie Scholten and Ashley Terlouw
Part V. Experts in Decision-Making Processes of the European Union
15. The European system of financial supervision
a technology of expertise Michelle Everson
16. The role of experts and financial supervision in the European Union
the de Larosière Commission Karim Knio
17. Expertise at the crossroads of national and international policy-making
a public management perspective Adriaan Schout and Jaap Sleifer
18. Blurred areas of responsibility
European agencies' scientific 'opinions' under scrutiny E. Madalina Busuioc.