The Scientific Legacy of Fred Hoyle
Cambridge University Press, 3/17/2005
EAN 9780521824484, ISBN10: 0521824486
Hardcover, 266 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 1.6 cm
Language: English
Fred Hoyle was a remarkable scientist, and made an immense contribution to solving many important problems in astronomy. Several of his obituaries commented that he had made more influence on the course of astrophysics and cosmology in the second half of the twentieth century than any other person. This book found its basis in a meeting that was held in recognition of his work, and contains chapters by many of Hoyle's scientific collaborators. Each chapter reviews an aspect of Fred Hoyle's work; many of the subjects remain of key relevance. The chapters are not confined to the discoveries of Hoyle's own time, but also discuss research areas that were formed out of his pioneering work, particularly on the interstellar medium and star formation, the structure of stars, nucleosynthesis, gravitational dynamics, and cosmology. This wide-ranging overview will be valuable to established researchers in astrophysics and cosmology, and also to professional historians of science.
Introduction M. Rees
1. Fred Hoyle's major work in the context of astronomy and astrophysics today W. L. W. Sargent
2. Sir Fred Hoyle and the theory of the synthesis of the elements D. Arnett
3. Fred Hoyle
contributions to the theory of galaxy formation G. Efstathiou
4. Highlights of Fred Hoyle's work on interstellar matter and star formation P. M. Solomon
5. Accretion H. Bondi
6. From dust to life C. Wickramasinghe
7. Worlds without end or beginning J. D. Barrow
8. Evolutionary cosmologies - then and now M. S. Longair
9. Alternative ideas in cosmology J. N. Narlikar
10. Red Giants - then and now J. Faulkner
11. Modern alchemy
Fred Hoyle and element building by neutron capture E. M. Burbidge
12. Concluding remarks G. Burbidge.