The State and Economic Knowledge: The American and British Experiences (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)

The State and Economic Knowledge: The American and British Experiences (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Revised ed., 8/8/2002
EAN 9780521523158, ISBN10: 052152315X

Paperback, 492 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 3.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This book addresses an important but inadequately recognized dimension of the activities of the modern state - the role it plays in producing the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for economic policy-making. The traditional assumption, which this collection of essays challenges, is that despite this profound dependence governments have generally acted as passive consumers of whatever ideas economists in the private sector and professions had to offer. This book brings together papers from an Anglo-American conference, held at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, that reveal the ways in which modern states have helped to generate new economic changes, specific political institutions, and ideological contexts. The approach is comparative, focusing on developments in modern Great Britain and the United States.

Foreword Michael J. Lacey
Part I. The State and the Uses of Economic Knowledge
1. Ideas, institutions, and state in the United States and Britain
an introduction Mary O. Furner and Barry Supple
2. Economic knowledge and government in Britain
some historical and comparative reflections Donald Winch
Part II. The State and Economic Performance
3. Liberty by design
freedom, planning, and John Quincy Adams's American system John Lauritz Larson
4. Government as a laboratory for economic learning in the years of the Democratic Roosevelt William J. Barber
5. The emergence of economic growthmanship in the United States
federal policy and economic knowledge in the Truman years Robert M. Collins
6. The treasury's analytical model of the British economy between the wars Peter Clarke
7. Old dogs and new tricks
the British treasury and Keynesian economics in the 1940s and 1950s George C. Peden
Part III. Industrial Maturity and Economic Policy
8. Knowing capitalism
public investigation and the labor question in the long progressive era Mary O. Furner
9. Economic inquiry and the state in new era America
antistatist corporatism and positive statism in uneasy coexistence Ellis W. Hawley
10. Official economic inquiry and Britain's industrial decline
the first fifty years Barry Supple
11. Economic ideas and government policy on industrial organization in Britain since 1945 Leslie Hannah
Part IV. Economic Knowledge and Social Action
12. Economic knowledge and British social policy Jose Harris
13. Economists and the formation of the modern tax system in the United States
the World War I crisis W. Elliot Brownlee
14. Population, economists, and the state
the royal commission of population, 1944–9 Jay M. Winter
About the authors