The Syntax of Hungarian (Cambridge Syntax Guides)

The Syntax of Hungarian (Cambridge Syntax Guides)

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Katalin Ã. Kiss
Cambridge University Press, 6/12/1998
EAN 9780521660471, ISBN10: 0521660475

Hardcover, 292 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

Clearly written and comprehensive in scope, this is an essential guide to syntax in the Hungarian language. It describes the key grammatical features of the language, focusing on the phenomena that have proved to be theoretically the most relevant and have attracted the most attention. The analysis of Hungarian in the generative framework since the late Seventies has helped to bring phenomena which are non-overt in the English language into the focus of syntactic research. As Kiss shows, its results have been built into the hypotheses that make up universal grammar. The textbook explores issues at the centre of theoretical debates including the syntax and semantics of focus, the analysis of quantifier scope, and negative concord. This useful guide will be welcomed by students and researchers working on syntax and those interested in Finno-Ugric languages.

1. Introduction
2. The topic-predicate articulation of the sentence
3. The minimal predicate
4. Focusing
5. Quantification
6. Negation
7. The noun phrases
8. The postpositional phrase
9. Non-finite and semi-finite verb phrases
10. The subordinate clause.