The UNCITRAL Model Law and Asian Arbitration Laws: Implementation and Comparisons
Cambridge University Press, 10/4/2018
EAN 9781107183971, ISBN10: 1107183979
Hardcover, 458 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
In the Asia-Pacific, thirty-eight jurisdictions have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. This book looks at how the text and the principles of the Model Law have been implemented (or not) in key Asian jurisdictions. Most of the jurisdictions covered in this book have declared that they have adopted the Model Law but often with significant modifications. Even when jurisdictions adopt some provisions of the Model Law verbatim, their courts may have interpreted these provisions in a manner inconsistent with their goals and with how they are interpreted internationally. When a jurisdiction has not adopted the Model Law, the chapter compares its legislation to the Model Law to determine whether it is consistent with its principles. Each chapter follows the structure of the Model Law allowing the reader to easily compare the arbitration laws of different jurisdictions on each topic.
Part I
1. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
the adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration in Hong Kong Shahla Ali
2. India
the 1985 Model Law and the 1996 Act
a survey of the Indian arbitration landscape Harisankar K. Sathyapalan and Aakanksha Kumar
3. Japan
Japanese Arbitration Law and UNCITRAL Model Law Harata Hisashi
4. Republic of Korea
Model Law in Asia
the case for Korea Hi-Taek Shin
5. Malaysia
the arbitration regime in Malaysia
a De Jure Model Law jurisdiction? Choong Yeow Choy and Sundra Rajoo
6. Myanmar
the Model Law
a new model for a new era in Myanmar – from the 1944 Arbitration Act to the 2016 Arbitration Law Minn Naing Oo
7. Philippines
the application of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration in the Philippines Rena M. Rico-Pamfilo
8. Singapore
Singapore's implementation of the Model Law
if at first you don't succeed Gary F. Bell
Part II
9. People's Republic of China
comparison between UN Model Law and Chinese Arbitration Law Guo Yu
10. Indonesia
Indonesian Arbitration Law and practice
in light of the UNCITRAL Model Law Gatot Soemartono and John Lumban-Tobing
11. Taiwan
comparative analysis of the Arbitration Law of Taiwan and the UNCITRAL Model Law Chang-fa Lo
12. Vietnam
the Vietnamese law on Commercial Arbitration 2010 compared to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 2006 Hop Dang.