The United Nations Global Compact: Achievements, Trends and Challenges

The United Nations Global Compact: Achievements, Trends and Challenges

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/26/2010
EAN 9780521145534, ISBN10: 0521145538

Paperback, 472 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative that encourages businesses to support ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption. It is the world's largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative with more than 7,500 business and non-business participants in over 130 countries. This book reviews the first ten years of the Compact's existence (2000–2010) by presenting exclusively commissioned chapters from well-known scholars, practitioners from the business world and civil society, and Global Compact staff. They reflect on what the Global Compact has achieved, what trends it may have to respond to, and what challenges are ahead. The book contains not only up-to-date reflections but also debates recent changes to the structure of the Compact, including the Communication on Progress policy, the role of Global Compact Local Networks, and the role of emerging specialized initiatives.

List of figures
List of tables
List of boxes
List of abbreviations
List of contributors
Foreword H. E. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Why this book matters! Eric Cornuel
The ten principles of the UN Global Compact
1. Introduction
the United Nations Global Compact
retrospect and prospect Andreas Rasche and Georg Kell
Part I. Achievements, Trends and Challenges
Reflections on the Principles
2. Making sense of the Global Compact human rights principles Klaus Leisinger, Aron Cramer and Faris Natour
3. The promise of the Global Compact - a trade union perspective on the labour principles Guy Ryder
4. The Global Compact environmental principles - achievements, trends and challenges Gregory Unruh
5. 'Caring for Climate' - the business leadership platform Claude Fussler
6. Anti-corruption - challenges and trends Huguette Labelle
Part II. Participants and Engagement Mechanisms
7. Implementing the United Nations Global Compact Carolyn Y. Woo
8. Academic institutions and the UN Global Compact - the principles for responsible management education Regina Wentzel Wolfe and Patricia H. Werhane
9. Corporate responsibility and the business school agenda Birgit Kleymann and Pierre Tapie (with a comment by Eric Cornuel)
10. NGOs and the Global Compact - the link between civil society and corporations Oded Grajew
11. Financial markets and the Global Compact - the principles for responsible investment James Gifford
12. Learning from the roundtables on the sustainable enterprise economy - the UN Global Compact and the next ten years Malcolm McIntosh and Sandra Waddock
13. The United Nations Global Compact as a learning approach Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer
Part III. Governance and Communication on Progress
14. The Global Compact's governance framework and integrity measures Ursula Wynhoven and Matthias Stausberg
15. The Global Compact communication on progress policy - origins, trends and challenges Uzma Hamid and Oliver Johner
16. COP reporting in action - the case of Petrobras Ana Paula Grether
17. The Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative Paul Hohnen
Part IV. Local Networks
The Emerging Global-Local Link
18. Building the Global Compact local network model - history and highlights Nessa Whelan
19. The Global Compact as a network of networks Dirk Ulrich Gilbert
20. Running a Global Compact local network - insights from the experience in Germany Constanze J. Helmchen
21. Building corporate citizenship through the UN Global Compact - contributions and lessons learnt from the Argentinean local network Flavio Fuertes and Nicolás Liarte-Vejrup
22. Concluding remarks - from alleviating the negative impacts of globalization to transforming markets Ernst Brugger and Peter Maurer