The Urbanism of Exception: The Dynamics of Global City Building in the Twenty-First Century
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 3/10/2017
EAN 9781107169241, ISBN10: 1107169240
Hardcover, 434 pages, 24 x 15.6 x 2.8 cm
Language: English
This book challenges the conventional (modernist-inspired) understanding of urbanization as a universal process tied to the ideal-typical model of the modern metropolis with its origins in the grand Western experience of city-building. At the start of the twenty-first century, the familiar idea of the 'city' - or 'urbanism' as we know it - has experienced such profound mutations in both structure and form that the customary epistemological categories and prevailing conceptual frameworks that predominate in conventional urban theory are no longer capable of explaining the evolving patterns of city-making. Global urbanism has increasingly taken shape as vast, distended city-regions, where urbanizing landscapes are increasingly fragmented into discontinuous assemblages of enclosed enclaves characterized by global connectivity and concentrated wealth, on the one side, and distressed zones of neglect and impoverishment, on the other. These emergent patterns of what might be called enclave urbanism have gone hand-in-hand with the new modes of urban governance, where the crystallization of privatized regulatory regimes has effectively shielded wealthy enclaves from public oversight and interference.
the eclipse of modernist city building and the modern metropolis
Part I. Setting the Stage
1. Global urbanism at the start of the twenty-first century
2 The shape of cities to come
distended urban form as the template for global urbanism
Part II. Aggregate Urbanism
3. Spatial restructuring on a global scale
enclave urbanism and the fragmentation of urban space
4. Cities as an assemblage of enclaves
realizing the expectations of Late Modernity
Part III. Zone Formats and the Urbanism of Exception
5. Autonomous zones and the eclipse of territorial sovereignty
6. Typologies of zones
7. Hybrid zones and the breakdown of conventional modalities of urban governance
8. Urbanism as exception