The Wisdom of the Christian Faith
Cambridge University Press
Edition: First Edition, 11/30/2012
EAN 9780521169790, ISBN10: 0521169798
Paperback, 288 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.5 cm
Language: English
Although typically separated, philosophy and New Testament theology are mutually beneficial for the understanding of the distinctive wisdom that guides Christian thought and life. The Wisdom of the Christian Faith fills a major gap in the literature on the philosophy of religion. It is the first book on the philosophy of religion to be authored entirely by philosophers while directly engaging themes of wisdom in the Christian tradition. The book consists of all new essays, with contributions from John Cottingham, Paul Gooch, Gordon Graham, John Hare, Michael T. McFall, Paul K. Moser, Andrew Pinsent, Robert Roberts, Charles Taliaferro, William Wainwright, Jerry Walls, Sylvia Walsh, Paul Weithman and Merold Westphal.
philosophy and cruciform wisdom
Part I. Wisdom, Faith, and Reason
1. Faithful knowing Paul Gooch
2. Repentance and self-knowledge Merold Westphal
3. Obedience and responsibility William Wainwright
4. Forgiveness, justification, and reconciliation John Hare
Part II. Wisdom, Love, and Evil
5. Wisdom and evil Andrew Pinsent
6. Moral character and temptation Sylvia Walsh
7. Altruism, egoism and sacrifice Gordon Graham
8. Unconditional love and spiritual virtues Robert C. Roberts
Part III. Wisdom, Contemplation, and Action
9. Meaningful life John Cottingham
10. Beauty and aesthetics in theology Charles Taliaferro
11. Education for political autonomy Paul Weithman
12. The wisdom of hope in a despairing world Jerry Walls.