The Work of Literary Translation

The Work of Literary Translation

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Clive Scott
Cambridge University Press, 6/7/2018
EAN 9781108426824, ISBN10: 1108426824

Hardcover, 288 pages, 23.4 x 15.8 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

Offering an original reconceptualization of literary translation, Clive Scott argues against traditional approaches to the theory and practice of translation. Instead he suggests that translation should attend more to the phenomenology of reading, triggering creative textual thinking in the responsive reader rather than testing the hermeneutic skills of the professional translator. In this new guise, translation enlists the reader as an active participant in the constant re-fashioning of the text's structural, associative, intertextual and intersensory possibilities, so that our larger understanding of ecology, anthropology, comparative literature and aesthetics is fundamentally transformed and our sense of the expressive resources of language radically extended. Literary translation thus assumes an existential value which takes us beyond the text itself to how it situates us in the world, and what part it plays in the geography of human relationships.

Part I. Thinking One's Way into Literary Translation
Concepts and Readings
1. Cartesian reading
2. Untranslatability
3. Translation and music
4. The language of translation
5. Voice in translation
6. Orality
7. Multilingualism
8. Frontiers
9. Cultures
10. Choice as work
11. The temporal nature of text
12. The notion of the future of the text
Part II. Translation among the Disciplines
1. Understanding translation as an eco-poetics
2. Translation as an agent of anthropological/ethnographic awareness
3. Translation and the re-conception of comparative literature
4. Translation in pursuit of an appropriate aesthetics
Part III. The Paginal Art of Translation
5. Text and page
margin and rhythm
6. Translation and situating the self
punctuation and rhythm
7. Translation and vocal behaviour
typography and rhythm
8. Translation as scansion
capturing the multiplicity of rhythm