The Youth Labour Market in Britain: The Role of Intervention: 62 (Department of Applied Economics Occasional Papers, Series Number 62)

The Youth Labour Market in Britain: The Role of Intervention: 62 (Department of Applied Economics Occasional Papers, Series Number 62)

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B. M. Deakin
Cambridge University Press
Edition: First Edition, 2/22/1996
EAN 9780521553285, ISBN10: 0521553288

Hardcover, 240 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Language: English

This book assesses the role of government training and employment policies in the youth labour market in Britain. Based on extensive field research, it presents a comprehensive survey of this important and developing branch of labour economics. The author looks at the subject both historically and analytically, using an examination of human capital theory and the economic theory of training to provide a context for his research. Demographic, educational, economic and technological developments over time have greatly influenced the youth labour market, and Mr Deakin relates these changes to the effects of successive government training and employment schemes (such as YOP, TVEI and YTS/YT) on young people, employers and the national economy. He then compares these effects with the alternative no-policy position, and through this comparison detects an erratic policy-learning process which has important implications for future policy.

Preface and acknowledgements
1. Introduction
2. Demographic structure, capacity and economic activity
3. Supply to the youth labour market
4. Vocational and educational training in historical perspective
5. Direct government intervention
early schemes
6. The development of the modern system of youth training
7. The first stage in the vocational education and training sequence
8. Methodology of assessment
9. An assessment of the economic effects of the Youth Training Scheme upon employment and employers
10. Some macroeconomic effects of YTS
11. The skill attainments of YTS trainees in relation to the demand for skilled labour
12. The devolution of intervention and the movement towards quasi-markets
13. Some critics of the government's youth training intervention
14. Collaboration and opposition from trade unions
15. Results and conclusions
Appendix. Resource endowment