Thermal Physics: Concepts and Practice

Thermal Physics: Concepts and Practice

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Allen L. Wasserman
Cambridge University Press, 10/27/2011
EAN 9781107006492, ISBN10: 110700649X

Hardcover, 318 pages, 25.4 x 19.6 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Thermodynamics has benefited from nearly 100 years of parallel development with quantum mechanics. As a result, thermal physics has been considerably enriched in concepts, technique and purpose, and now has a dominant role in the developments of physics, chemistry and biology. This unique book explores the meaning and application of these developments using quantum theory as the starting point. The book links thermal physics and quantum mechanics in a natural way. Concepts are combined with interesting examples, and entire chapters are dedicated to applying the principles to familiar, practical and unusual situations. Together with end-of-chapter exercises, this book gives advanced undergraduate and graduate students a modern perception and appreciation for this remarkable subject.

1. Introducing thermodynamics
2. Onward to thermodynamics
3. The First Law
4. A mathematical digression
5. Thermodynamics potentials
6. On knowing the unknowable
7. The ideal gas
8. The 2-level system
9. Lattice heat capacity
10. Elastomers - entropy springs
11. Thermodynamics of magnetism
12. Open systems
13. The amazing chemical potential
14. Thermodynamics of radiation
15. Ideal Fermi gas
16. Ideal Bose–Einstein system
17. Thermodynamics and the CMB