Toxic Substances In The Environment: 96 (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Textsand Monographs)

Toxic Substances In The Environment: 96 (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Textsand Monographs)

  • £17.79
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John Wiley & Sons, 3/8/1994
EAN 9780471507819, ISBN10: 0471507814

Hardcover, 384 pages, 24.2 x 16 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

An accessible yet scientifically challenging account of the ecological and human health impacts of pollutants. Uses authentic examples of well–known environmental problems such as Chernobyl, Love Canal and asbestos contamination to illustrate the principles and practice of environmental toxicology. A unique chapter on policy includes a list of major public and civic environmental action groups.

Ecosystems and Ecotoxicology.

Air Pollution and Global Ecosystems.

Terrestrial and Health Effects of Air Pollution.

Water Pollution, Persistence, and Bioaccumulation.

Hazardous Waste Disposal.

Health Effects of Environmental Chemicals.


Developmental Toxicology.

Genetic Toxicology.


Policy in Environmental Toxicology.

Social Issues.

